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Spanish Manchego

Manchego is the most famous cheese of Spain. An authentic Manchego is made only with the raw milk of sheep from La Mancha. In this recipe, I use cow's milk and add lipase powder to give it a piquant characteristic of sheep milk. This recipe is also unusual in that it uses both high temperature and low temperature cultures. I've had great success with this cheese that can be eaten anytime after about 3 months up to about 3 years.


2 gallons whole cow milk (unless you can get sheep milk)
1 packet of mesophilic starter
1 packet of thermophilic starter
1/4 teaspoon lipase powder diluted in 1/4 cup of water and allowed to sit for 20 minutes. Don't use this if you have access to sheep's milk. This is an optional ingredient, but gives the cheese its characteristic piquant flavor.
1/2 teaspoon calcium chloride in 1/4 cup of cool water
1/2 teaspoon liquid rennet in 1/4 cup of cool water
Brine solution of 2 pounds cheese salt dissolved in 1 gallon distilled water

Warming the milk

Gently warm 2 gallons of whole cow milk to 86°F in a double boiler.

Ripening the milk

Add both starter cultures and mix well. Cover, and allow the milk to ripen at 86°F for 45 minutes.


Add the lipase powder solution and mix well. Add the calcium chloride and mix well.


Add the rennet and mix well. Cover and allow to set, undisturbed, for 30 minutes or until you get a clean break.

Cutting the curd

Cut into 1/2 inch cubes and allow to set for 5 minutes. Using a large wire whisk, gently stir the curds, breaking them up into rice-sized pieces. Use the whisk or a large ladle to continue stirring for 30 minutes.

Cooking and stirring

Heat the curds to 104°F very slowly, increasing the temperature about 2° every 5 minutes. Stir gently to prevent matting. Then, let the curds set undisturbed for 5 minutes.

Washing the curds


Drain the whey off the curds. Then drain the curds in a colander for 5 minutes.


Hot water treatment




Ladle the curds into a cheesecloth lined mold. Press at 15 pounds for 15 minutes. Remove the cheese, redress, and press for another 15 minutes at 15 pounds. Repeat this twice more. Then, press at 30 pounds for 6 hours. Remove from the press and brine for at least 6 hours.



Age at 55°F, turning daily, for anywhere from 3 months to 3 years! Longer aging may require you to rub the rind with olive oil occasionally in order to keep it from drying out. Remove unwanted mold with a brush dipped in a combination of salt and vinegar.

Eat with a nice Spanish Rioja wine.

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Page Last Modified: Mon, Feb 23, 2004 5:22 PM