Monday, March 05, 2007

Sunday, March 4, 2007

I did not put out any seed for the birds; Ursa and cubs came at 8:30 a.m. and looked very disgusted that they couldn’t have their feed. I don’t want them getting too used to finding food whenever they come. They quickly left. They returned in the afternoon in the back yard woods area on our side of the fence, foraging around but never entered the yard proper [grassy part].

Saturday, March 3, 2007

Ursa and cubs came for a breakfast of bird food at around 9:00 a.m.

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Ursa and cubbies came for breakfast at the bird station this at 9:08 a.m. and stayed forever. Even the dogs barking from inside the house doesn’t disturb them.
Doris came at 1:00 and was roaming around in front out by the road. I couldn’t tell what she was doing until I took Sailor for a walk. She had taken the cover off the container where our cable for the TV and internet is housed. Maybe there were ants or bugs inside? Don’t know, but I had to put it back together. She was laying under the Bear Tree both ways on our walk.

Wednesday, Feb 28, 2007

Dogs chased Ursa and cubs from fence as they approached the house in the morning.  Ursa and cubs observed in the woods foraging and playing throughout the day. They came to the front yard in the afternoon.
Also when I took Alex for a walk, all three were under Bear Tree.

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey
Sam the cat watching Doris out the window.

Tuesday, Feb 27, 2007

Doris came around 1:30 - 2:00 to bird feeding station in front yard. Ursa and cubs came about ten minutes after she left.

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey


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  • Swamp cabbage?

    Posted to: ‘They're back!’ by mjd on 07/01/2007

  • And WHERE was your camera?????

    Posted to: ‘Hailey trees a bear’ by Susan in WA on 06/26/2007

  • I’m sure you’ll have lots more chances to get the perfect movie of them.  This…

    Posted to: ‘They're back!’ by Susan in WA on 04/03/2007

  • Who needs TV when you can watch bears play in you own yard!

    Posted to: ‘Spring Fever’ by Paula on 03/08/2007

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