A qustion for you please
I have pasturised my milk (20 litres of beautiful Illawarra short horm cow milk), it is cold when I get it and I bring it to 61 degrees C and hold for 30 mins.
Now to cool it I place it in sterilised 10 litre buckets and cover it with the lid and let it sit to cool, I intend to make cheese next morning so it will have cooled to about 21 degree C over 10 hours.
My question is should I place it in the fridge overnight instead of leaving out to cool slowly, is it safe to do this.
My other option is to pasturise in the morning and cool it quickly and use it straight away.
ANy issues you can see, My hygiene techniques are wash everything in soap and water then rinse, then soak the bucket in 60 ml of 4% bleach (hypo) in 10 litres water.
ANy thoughts?