Should you be able to break a window with a blue cheese?
Posted: 15 March 2008 01:10 AM   [ Ignore ]
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Hi there!
I made 2 wheels of blue about a month ago. They are being stored at 8 degrees which is the rec. temp according to the recipe.
(the first 2 weeks it was stored at 11-14 degrees as suggested)
OK they are 3 days off 5 weeks old and they are like bricks. They feel quite dry, they are heavy and you can knock on them…...

is that bad?  smile

I have a big bowl of water under them and it is covered with a large plastic cover that has holes in the top. This then has a big folded sheet over it - to keep the temp maintained. There is lots of air circ around the cheese, but do you think I need to increase the humidity?
I have blue mould covering 99.98% of the wheels. There is a small white patch along the rim of one of the wheels.

My book says that after 1 month I can scrape the cheese and wrap it and put it in a plastic bag (to keep the humidity up….) what do you think?
I wasn’t going to scrape it though….but do you think if I wrap it and put it in the plastic that it will help?

Does anyone know blue cheese first aid? cheese

Thanks everyone!!

Posted: 15 March 2008 07:02 AM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 1 ]
Total Posts:  410
Joined  2004-07-16

My blue cheese has always been quite dense (Stilton is an exception.) So, I would not worry about them to the point of trying to do any “first aid”, which I suspect it is quite late for anyway. Instead, let them age a few months and then enjoy eating them!

I have always scraped the cheese at about this age and then I wrap it tightly in foil. I’d be suspicious of having too much humidity using a plastic bag, but if the recipe calls for it… If you have two wheels, you could treat each a little differently and let us know the results wink


Rick Robinson

Posted: 15 March 2008 09:16 AM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 2 ]
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Joined  2007-06-05

u can knock on it , hmmm , u r not holding enough humid

Posted: 15 March 2008 10:22 AM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 3 ]
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Joined  2007-01-15

may have been dehydrated during process. If it is solid, then u can always use it for soups, real good in them.


The Cheese Hole

Posted: 15 March 2008 10:34 AM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 4 ]
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he will find out when he cut it wink

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