Talking Seagull - 30 May 2008 03:56 PM
I followed the same road.
On my Colby (my second cheese)- I made a 3+ pounder.
When you are “airdrying” keep the humidity high enough by placing a bowl over the cheese so it won’t crack. Allow some circulation by having the bowl hang over whatever the cheese is on.
Also, if you are adding coloring - which I think is a necessity with Colby, be generous and get a nice dark color.
The Colby is done. I finally opted for the colander, as it is very fine mesh and would restrict but not cut off air flow. Its drying well with no cracking. Hate to admit it but I chickened out on the coloring and stayed with the recipe direction - 2 drops per gal. I should have gone with your advice, because its really pale. Hopefully it will darken somewhat during aging.