LOL, hmmm. It was a bust, the curds were nice and hard on top but not underneath, it did not solidify, so the whole thing is like cream cheese after draining. My fault, just having gone shopping I had no room in the fridge for 16L so I put it by the door thats normally below zero from the cold freez we have outside, however the weather decided to warm up to -6, so when I checked that morning the temp next to the door it was 12F too warm for storing milk , so 18 hours out probably turned the milk even though it smelt and tasted fine, thats probably why it too soo long for the curds to form.
So what Im doing now (this morning) after pressing for 24 hours its nice and tight, is make it into a washed cheese, I added some white bloom culture and lots of salt on the surface and will wipe it every day. Will add pics later as I update the website. Right now im doing my yearly windows wipe and reinstall, so my workstation is out for now, just my internet machine working now.