Hi Everyone,
I am living in Beijing, China and was trying to make cheese at home. the difficult thing in China is that it is impossible to find good quality milk, enzyme and starters. The store-bought milk is not so fresh…no buttermilk as starter and enzyme - no one even know what I am talking about. To make a long story short a friend sent me from the States some Junket Rennet (which are dry) and they are perfectly fine. The only think is that it takes longer. As for starters there is only one kind of sugar-free yogurt so I am using it as thermophilic starter. I am also using the Yogurt to make Labaneh. Since there is no buttermilk in the stores I also asked my friend to send me some mesophilic bacteria. I am keeping it in the freezer and 12 hours before I want to use them I mix a small portion of bacteria with some room-temperature milk and let it sit for about 10 hours. When it’s ready I have couple of spoons of starter which works fine. After several experiments I had (and gallons of milk going down the drain…) I was able to make some Israeli style semi-hard cheese which was delicious!! Also, I was able to prepare as very good Feta cheese and Labaneh (which is a Mediterranean soft cheese).
I will be very happy to share with you the receipt!