Wecome to the forum Bezza. Are you new to cheesemaking, or just new to the forum?
With the info you provided its hard to pinpoint the cause of your less than optimal result. What kind of cheddar did you make? What was your pressing regime - weights and times? It does sound like mechanical openings, i.e., not enough pressure for not enough time. The taste problem sounds very much like a sanitation issue. You must be meticulous about santization. Absolutely everything that touches your cheese at every stage must be absolutely clean. What are you using to sanitize? How are you sterilizing your equipment?
How long did you dry your wheel before waxing? Moisture on the surface will cause problems once waxed. I recommend you rub down the wheel with salt, or wipe with brine or vinegar solution prior to waxing to eliminate anything that may have gotten on the surface during the drying.
Other than the taste issue, how was your final product? Dry and crumbly or smooth and moist? Does it melt?
Hang in there. Once these problems are dealt with, you’re going to be delighted with home made cheddar.