Hi there, I too made a Camembert in early December. My first ever! (if you don’t count some weird improvisation of mine whose curds turned out like ricotta and had to be thrown away). It is sized somewhere between a proper camembert and brie, because that is the size mould/ amount of raw milk I had.
Where have you been ripening yours? In a fridge by any chance? I had been using a cool box in the shed and rotating cool blocks to and from my freezer to get a slightly warmer temp than my fridge, but we have had some unusually cold weather in the UK so my camembert has been (far) too cold recently. By the way I sprayed the white mould on after it had drained (I used a small bit of camembert rind blended with cooled boiled water).
My mould was decently thick (it almost reminds me of fluffy marshmallow the way you can press it flat and a little trace sticks to your fingers), but I was pretty careful about temp and humidity in the first few weeks. I think it took longer to appear than I expected. I didn’t wrap it till I was happy with the mould.
But after all that…
Mine is also very firm (though the curds were lovely and soft when I was draining it). I am fairly sure this is due to its current temperature, and the arrested ripening. I have noticed bought camembert to be stiff until they have a chance to warm up.
As it is raw milk I am giving it 3 months before I will eat it, and around then I will try to bring it up to room temp still wrapped to see if it is soft in the middle. Let us know how things develop for you.
If you are really not happy with the mould, what does everyone else think of trying a second inoculation of mould sprayed on the outside?
- Any reason why that should not be attempted? (I am sure you will let me know if I am using “inoculation” in the wrong sense!)