I made a Gouda yesterday. Its the first I’ve tried for several months, largely because I was just not getting it right. I have had problems with an overly sharp flavor and an overly dry texture. I’ve been refining my techniques since then, so I thought I give it another try. I didn’t use the MM culture that Dave recommended (its on order but not yet arrived), instead I used the MA culture that I had on hand.
The curd was quite nice, albeit very bulky. My four gallon batch resulted in curd that filled my 6” mold to within 1” of the top, which is 11”. And the curd was very soft, more the consistency of a bread dough. After the final press - 18 hours - it was still quite spongy. Now, after 13 hours in brine it is somewhat more firm, but definately still quite pliable. I expect its going to sag as it sets. And the texture is quite open.
All in all, I’m thinking I still don’t have it right; but hopefully I won’t end up with the overly sharp taste again. Not that it wasn’t good - I liked it a lot - but its not Gouda. And no, I don’t yet have a pH meter; but I will be ordering one soon. (You have convinced me Dave!)