Blue cheese
Posted: 06 August 2011 05:47 PM   [ Ignore ]
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I have not made the blue versions of cheeses yet. I bought some cultures, Penicillium roquefortii, and flora danica today. Now that I’m home, non of my recipes in my books call for flora danica in the Stilton, or Roquefort, or blue cheese. I understand that it is a flavor enhancer, but I’m wondering how to use it.

Would you use half flora danica and half regular mesophillic starter? Or would you use all mesophillic culture that the recipe calls for and then add in some flora danica? I looked on the recipe forum and didn’t find anything for Stilton, Roquefort, or blue cheese. I think I want to make a Roquefort, but I’m not sure yet.

Does anybody have a recipe for a blue mold ripened cheese that has flora danica, or have I just bought the wrong culture and need to save it for making something else?


Herbs, Sausage, Beer and Cheese

Posted: 08 August 2011 08:39 AM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 1 ]
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basically its a flavor enhancer for a buttery taste and making lighter cheese by creating some co2.
I searched for a while and have not come across any recipe just sites selling the product. I would use it just like a regular starter in conjunction with standard starter if u are to use it.


The Cheese Hole

Posted: 08 August 2011 11:48 PM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 2 ]
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Funny to read that: I just bought P. Roqueforti myself to do a first try with blue cheese. Also bought P. Candidum to give the Brie a try.
Flora Danica is hard to get here, I’m still hoping to find it for a reasonable price and make some feta with it to start with…


- Herman -

Posted: 09 August 2011 09:05 AM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 3 ]
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I think I don’t need the flora danica for the blue cheese, so I’ll just save it for something else. The store sells kits to make blue cheese from and the kit comes with flora danica and the p roqueforti so I bought both thinking that it would be normal to need. I just bought cultures, not the kit. I read the box and thought that must be what I needed.


Herbs, Sausage, Beer and Cheese

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