I agree with that theory. I was thinking of making one soon and I was going to press it lightly for the first press so it would stay together. Here is the recipe from my book, The cheesemaker’s apprentice. I shortened it a lot, they used a lot of words.
2 gal milk
1/4 tsp mesophilic starter
1/2 tsp liquid rennet
1/4 cup bottled water
saturated brine
optional was a 1/2 tsp of dried spice such as cumin, caraway or fenugreek, boiled in 1/2 cup of water
heat milk to 86, add culture, ripen 30 minutes
add rennet, coagulate 30 minutes
cut 1/2” cubes, rest 10 minutes, then stir for 5 minutes
scoop out 25% of the initial volume of whey. You started with 2 gallons of milk so 25% of that is 4 cups. If you can’t get 4 cups of whey out, stir it for a few minutes.
replace with equal amount of 115 degree water
heat to 96 to 98 degrees
cook for 40 minutes, stirring
drain, add seasonings if using, place in a mold, let sit 30 minutes
flip it, rewrap it and drain for 1 hour
flip it, rewrap it, drain for 2 hours
flip it, rewrap it, drain over night
Soak in brine for 1 to 3 hours
let dry at 50 degrees. may take 6 to 48 hours. Flip once or twice a day while drying
vacuum seal, or wax.
age at 55 to 60 degrees for 3 to 4 months.
I read different recipes and they all call for removing a different amount of whey also.