I wanted to make Reblochon today but I’m afraid my problem is not Reblochon related. But I’m a bit in a panic….
This morning at 7:15 I picked up 10 liter of raw milk, during milking time at the farm where I always get my cow’s milk.
Came home while temp was still at 35C and waited until it cooled down to 30C.
Friday evening I got 6 lumbs of starting culture from the freezer, culture was made from a new bought mother culture that I always use, but I did not use any of this batch earlier. Made it 2 weeks ago. Had it in the fridge for 1 night to melt again.
I also diluted the BL and a tiny bit of PC in some milk on Friday evening.
At 30C I added culture and the mix of BL and PC and waited for 15 minutes, after that I added the rennet.
Rennet is bought in Januari, is always stored in the fridge and is used before without problems. I don’t have a PH-meter, never missed it.
According to the recipe in 200 Easy home made cheeses I had to wait for 30 minutes for a clean break. Well, after 30 minutes I still have milk and nothing else…
Anybody any idea? My suspicion is mostly about the starting culture…