Hello everyone. I’m new to the forum as well to cheesemaking in general. I purchased the Deluxe Cheese Kit from Leeners.com about a month ago and have been trying to learn as much as I can ever since. So far I’ve made cottage cheese and 2 wheels of farmhouse cheddar. The cottage cheese turned out okay and the 2 wheels of cheddar are still aging. As far as I can tell, Ricki Carroll’s book “Home Cheese Making” which I’m sure a lot of you have read, seems to be a good starting point. The biggest struggle for me so far has been cooking the curds by raising the temperature slowly by a few degrees at a time. I guess it just takes some practice. At this point I’m really anxious to sample the first cheddar. I’m going to allow it to age 45 days even though the recipe says it can be consumed after 30 days. Anyone have any advice fo someone just starting out?
Rookie Cheesemaker |