I’ve had several waxed cheeses that developed mold under the wax after 2-3 months. This is easily removed and the cheese is still good but I need to figure out why this is happening and how to prevent it. I usually let the cheese dry out at room temp for 3-5 days prior to waxing and the cheeses are very dry when waxed. One source I thought of was that I wasn’t getting the wax hot enough, I was simply melting it and then dipping the cheese. The last two batches I let the wax get as hot as it would on a double boiler (maybe 195F) before waxing which was probably 40-50 degrees more than before. Would washing the cheese prior to waxing help? I thought maybe if I washed the cheese with a vinegar/salt solution in the morning prior to waxing that would kill any spores that had landedon the cheese and give it time to dry out again before waxing.