Okay, last night I posted that I was just starting to see the slightest hint of blue on my Stilton. I was so excited about seeing that little piece of blue on one side of my cheese.
After a full day at work (and two hours of racquetball, after work) I came home to something totally unexpected…..
My cheese has become this blue monster where every crack and crevice is filled with mold!
I had no idea how aggressive this mold can be. I was expecting to see a little more blue than yesterday but in no way was I prepared for what I came home to!
Now please understand that this is all new to me. Is it supposed ot grow this quickly? Also, do I need to get it out of the mold now that the blue action has taken over this aggressively??
As stated (many times) before, I really want this particular cheese to turn out. Any advice anyone can give me would be greatly appreciated.