I appreciate the fact that you are constantly trying to make this site better. In my opinion it is the best cheesemaking site on the web and your efforts are very much appreciated.
Having said that I will also say that I am the ultimate creature of habit. I had to change the theme back to the original so that I didn’t feel totally lost.
I will keep giving your new theme a try and I’m sure that slowly I will adapt to it.
I’m the type of person that will have his day ruined if I get up even two minutes late. I have to have everything in place and everyting totally and completely structured with a minimum of change. I’ve been working on trying to change this but after 45 years it’s become pretty much ingrained.
As I said, though, you have a great site and I’m happy that you are tyring to improve upon it.
Keep up the good work and thanks for sharing this site with us.