Alex - 02 May 2010 10:37 AM
WW flour needs more hydration than bread flour. When I use WW, I always mix only 1/4-1/3 or max. 1/2 WW from the total amount of flour. You are right, add bread or cake flower to the mixture and fix all other ingredients accordingly. I would suggest, be nice to yourself and start with a 1/4 WW + 3/4 white flour.
Do you know the “baker’s percentage” method? Search it on google. It’s the basis for all bread doughs. You’ll be able to “invent” your own bread recipe.
yes i read a bout “baker’s percentage” , i made it with 65% hydration so it can relax the whole wheat bran, and frement it 24 hours in room temp with very little commercial yeast and some of my home grown wild yeast..