“No problem is so formidable that you can’t walk away from it.” – Charles M. Schulz

Friday, September 22, 2006

Finally, I Write

I listed some topics in my last post that I planned to treat with detailed entries and I recommitted myself to more frequent postings on this web site. Then, nothing happened. So, here are the long promised entries in abbreviated format:

Ellis Island Observations: I thought Ellis Island would be boring. Especially since I can’t track my ancestry to someone who came over on a boat in the lat 1800s or early 1900s. However, I found Ellis Island to be fascinating and prefer a visit there to the Statue of Liberty.

Sopranos: Many people seem to get their impression of New Jersey from watching the Sopranos. We’d never watched it until we moved here, and then bought the first season on DVD. It took us a while to get into it, but find it entertaining now. Is it reflective of real life in NJ? Maybe.

The show is often filmed in the area around our house and I was unable to get home by my normal route a month or so ago because the road was closed while they filmed for an upcoming episode.

Cicadas: The song of the cicadas started when the weather heated up this Summer. They are the indicators of summer, where the fireflies are the indicators of Spring. In mid-summer they were very loud. Now, as Summer wraps down and it gets cooler, they are fading, replaced by the crickets.

The bird: It was a broadwing hawk, not a perrigrin falcon.

Yes we get lots of weird mushrooms. After all, it is much wetter and more humid than Colorado. However, most are unfamiliar to me and I have not gotten into identification yet. Some are downright strange.

Pool maintenance: Take it slow. Don’t add too much of any thing at once wink

That’s it for now.

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Posted under: Stuff You Gotta Know! • by Rick on 09/22/2006 at 06:11 AM
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