“When the people fear the government, there is tyranny. When the government fears the people, there is liberty.” — Thomas Jefferson

Thursday, October 03, 2013

Cabin Day 13, 2013 - Prep for Home

First of all, be sure to catch up on our short "day trip" to Bull Mountain on Lynne's Blog where she has some nice photos.

Well, it is day 13 and time to start the preparations to return home. It has been a great two weeks.

We had a cool (35°) and windless night, so slept pretty well. Nice sunrise this morning. Weather prediction is for some rain later today, possibly turning to snow overnight. So, I will take advantage of the morning to do some preparations: clean the cabin, final "chores" around here, load as much in the truck as possible (not things that can freeze, I guess).

It is now noon and our "prep for home" has turned into "prep for snow". The weather forecast for Friday for our route home is not good. The weather service is using terms like a "significant weather event" and "severe storm and tornado threat" for our typical route along I80 through Nebraska and Iowa. It is way to late to try to finish packing up, close down the cabin, and leave today to get ahead of the storm. So, we've decided to delay our departure till Saturday.

However, they have also changed the local weather forecast from a few inches of snow to as much as a few feet! So, starting tonight, we will get snow here at the cabin and that will determine what happens over the next few days. If the storms tracks north, we won't get much snow and will be able to get out just fine. If the storm tracks south through northern Colorado, then we will get dumped on. A foot to foot-and-a-half of snow along with 40 to 50 mph winds will force us to be creative with our departure. Still going to shoot for Saturday morning. Will keep you informed via comments to this post.

We've got enough food for four days before we reach into our (meager) emergency stock. We've brought a lot of wood in and have about a cord on the sheltered front porch. The PV system has a good charge on it and the generator is full of gas. Not much more we can do to prepare at this point.

Tags:  cabinweather
Posted under: Cabin News • by Rick on 10/03/2013 at 06:59 AM
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