“There is only one thing a philosopher can be relied upon to do, and that is to contradict other philosophers.” – William James
Saturday, September 21, 2013
Cabin Day 1, 2013 - Afternoon
Lunch was a lightly grilled pepper turkey and provolone cheese sandwich on whole grain bread. It wasn't as good as it sounds. The turkey had little flavor. But, it filled an empty spot in my belly and I was satisfied. What's next?
Nap. A nice 1-hour long nap.
When I woke, Lynne was nowhere to be found. But, her camera was gone, so I figured she'd gone out to take photos. I'd give her an hour before the dogs and I set out as a search party. She soon returned, having started a short hike down to Serenity Point, she ended up going "around", which is our term for a hike all the way to the beaver pond in the bottom of the canyon then back up the other side to the road (that is at the "bottom"). Stick with me, you'll figure out all the names for various hikes. (We'll do "poop hill" soon.)
Apparently there are a lot of trees blown down and the trail needs serious maintenance. Sounds like work. And, I did not bring my good chain saw this year. So, we'll see what gets done.
Mostly, the afternoon was lazy. We planned meals for the next week and now need to turn that menu plan into a shopping list for a trip into town on Monday. I read a lot. Am reading a book called Wool which has me captivated. It is the first in a trilogy. And, I am a slow reader. So, I've got my reading commitment for the rest of the year. We watched the news on TV and also a bit of a special on the Colorado floods. Dinner was charcoal grilled hamburgers with a can of pink beans. That was pretty yummy. Somewhere in there I did a few additional chores including replacement of the batteries in the outdoor weather station. Doesn't seem like much. We do spend a lot of time staring out the window in a meditative state--watching a branch of a tree blow in the breeze or chipmunks scurrying along fallen trees or Stellar Jays picking at the meager offerings in the bird feeder.
Watched part of the third Star Trek movie (The Search for Spock), but by about 8:30 we could no longer pay attention to the movie, so it was time for "final pees" (dogs and people) and off to bed.
Posted under: Cabin News • by Rick on 09/21/2013 at 04:24 PM
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