“People will buy anything that is one to a customer.” – Sinclair Lewis

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Cabin Day 2, 2013 - Afternoon

The problem with life at the cabin is that it is so laid-back and free of demands and deadlines that I often forget what I've done a few hours after doing it.

So, this is my best stab at this afternoon. Tex-Mex Salad for lunch. Hmmm, what else?

Oh yeah, I read a bit. We started a jig-saw puzzle (donuts!).

And, it rained. We got several hours of rain, mostly a soft rain but it came down pretty good a couple of times. I realize how terrible it is to say in Colorado right now, but I really enjoyed the rain. We often get afternoon thunderstorms that blow through and give us a half hour of sprinkles. But, this was a slow-moving, drenching rain that this (high) country really needs. In total, we got a little over 1/10 of an inch.

We have a weather station that gives us temperature, humidity, rain and wind. Although the wind is probably not very accurate as the weather station is somewhat sheltered. I mean to fix that someday by mounting on an existing mount for an old weather station that would provide more accurate readings.

We finished last night's movie on DVD. It was good. Had not seen it in years. We also worked out the shopping list for a week's worth of meals and we'll hit Laramie tomorrow morning for our shopping. 

I've set the rat traps for tonight using Cheddar cheese as bait. I know it is stereotypical, but it might work better than dog treats.

No charge on the batteries today, so we are running at 70% of full charge. That's fine as long as we get some sun tomorrow. Without the wind-powered generator, cloudy, rainy days really hit us hard.

Dinner was Bob's Oven Fried Chicken from the Firehouse Cookbook. We love it. It is flavorful and relatively healthy. We paired it with oven-roasted butternut squash.

During the rain we fired up the wood stove. I'll post a photo soon, but it is a replica of an old-fashioned wood cooking stove. We raised the temperature in the cabin from the mid-60s to the high-70s and it is now too hot. So, windows and doors are open and we had dessert (cookies and whiskey) on the front screened-in porch. It is hard to maintain a comfortable temperature with the stove unless one has the discipline to add a small log every half-hour or so. Instead, we tend to load it up and let it go.

We are all tired now, including the dogs. Coffee is made. So, I think it is off to bed soon to read for a while.

Tags:  cabinrecipe
Posted under: Cabin News • by Rick on 09/22/2013 at 07:47 PM
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