“The supreme irony of life is that hardly anyone gets out of it alive.” – Robert Heinlein

Saturday, October 02, 2010

Cabin Visit 2010 - Day 14

This morning we took a walk around with the dogs and Bella had her swim—not as much as usual, I think it was cold. Then, Lynne and I wanted to cut enough wood to replenish what we’ve used on this trip. It has been so hot, that we did not use much! However, the big saw is so dull that it would take forever (and it is not good for the saw to try to cut with a dull blade), and I could not get the small saw started—I think I flooded it following the starting instructions. So, that was one chore avoided.

After a shower I went over to talk to our neighbor. I had some topics for him regarding the “mess” on our land from logging beetle kill trees. And, since he is president of the land owners’ association, I wanted to hear his side of some of the hot-button issues with the land owners. We ended up driving around a big chunk of Sand Creek Park to see various projects that he has been working on. And, I even saw some parts of the area that I had not explored before and met a couple that are renovating an old ranch house and barn. That took a couple of hours.

When I got home, Lynne made us a sandwich and we had our usual lazy afternoon and evening with “trailer spaghetti” for dinner. It is so named because it used to be our “go to” meal at the end of a long day of driving our trailer around when we were showing dos every weekend many years ago. We fry up some hamburger, coat it with a bottled spaghetti sauce and toss that with cooked spaghetti and Parmesan cheese. Very quick, yet usually pretty tasty depending upon the sauce we use.

We took a drive and watched a beautiful sunset and saw a small herd of elk—one big bull and an harem of 8 or 9 cows. Very beautiful.

We are both bushed and, I think, about ready to head for home. We were off to bed early and on Saturday will do as much prep as we can so that we can leave very early on Sunday morning. We lose an hour a day on our way home, so it is important to get an early start. We’ll load the truck Saturday as much as we can, then on Sunday morning we’ll “close up” the cabin, drive to Laramie where we can dump our trash, grab a MacDonald’s breakfast, fill up with gas and head east.

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Posted under: Cabin News • by Rick on 10/02/2010 at 07:41 AM
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