“If God wanted us to fly, He would have given us tickets.” – Mel Brooks

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Cabin Visit 2010 - Day 6

Today was meant to be a “lazy day”—no chores, no visits. Just “rejuvenation” time.

After a breakfast of bacon and eggs, and of course strong percolated coffee, we took the dogs to Eggers’ Pond. Bella did a lot of swimming and everyone had a nice long walk. After that, I called Eric to talk about the mess left behind after logging the beetle kill pine and I think we have the beginnings of a strategy to clean it up. There is more to this story, but no need to spill it here.

We worked on the jig saw puzzle that turned out to be very, very difficult. Nevertheless, with perseverance and time, we got it done. I also finished my book—the first of a trilogy, so I have another to look forward to now.

We took an evening drive to look for wild animals, but saw nothing. It seems very quiet up here this year without any wildlife such as deer, or elk or moose. Not even a coyote or owl has been heard. It was so chilly when we got back that Lynne built us a small fire in the stove to take the chill off.

There was a full moon that was beautiful, and I got the telescope out and took a look. Finally figured out how to use it, but I guess I need to pull the manual out and brush up on it if we want to use it any more this trip.

Bob’ Oven Fried Chicken and potato salad for dinner. It was yummy, maybe the best we’ve ever made it. We watched some TV for a change and went to bed around 9:00. Read for a while and then off to a nice sleep. My sleep was only broken by the sound of rain on the metal roof! Rain! Hooray! It is so hot and dry here and the fire danger is so high that a nice soaking rain (without lightning) is very welcome. As I write this early Thursday morning, it is still drizzling outside and we have a nice fire in the stove.

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Posted under: Cabin News • by Rick on 09/23/2010 at 07:15 AM
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