“Dogs come when they are called. Cats take a message and get back to you.” – Mary Bly

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Need an Escape?

I’ve recently read two books by a young author (he wrote his first book just after graduating from high school), that are great books if you want to escape into a fantasy world of dragons, dwarfs, elves, and evil doers. The two books are Eragon and Eldest, the first three books in a trilogy (called Inheritance) by Christopher Paolini. Some have compared these books to the Lord of the Rings Trilogy. I struggle with that some. But, Paolini may be the Tolkien of the early 21st century. Not only are they great stories, but the second book, in particular, has a depth that I don’t expect from a 19 year-old author. His treatment of diversity, cultural awareness, tolerance, and religion is amazing.

These are big books, but easily read. And, if you need an escape, I highly recommend them! You will count the days until the third book of the trilogy is released!

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Posted under: Books I've Enjoyed • by Rick on 10/06/2005 at 03:58 PM
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Sunday, August 14, 2005

The Shadow of the Wind

This book by Carlos Ruiz Zafon is a great book for lovers of books. It is part mystery, part history, part romance and even has some dry comedy sprinkled in. The book was originally published in Spanish and has been a big hit in Spanish speaking countries—particularly Spain, where the story takes place. It is about a boy whose father runs a bookstore, who becomes fascinated with an author after reading one of his books. He tries to find additional books by this author, but they all seem to have disappeared—many being burned. Who is one step in front of him burning books and attempting to destroy all the works of this author? And, why?

The book has rich characters that become very real. There are several stories going on at once, but they all intertwine in time. This book made me happy and it made me sad. It made me laugh, and it brought a lump to my throat.

The translation by Lucia Graves is extremely well done, although there are occasional idiosyncracies in some wording or phrasing. I highly recommend this book.

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Posted under: Books I've Enjoyed • by Rick on 08/14/2005 at 01:22 PM
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Wednesday, August 20, 2003

Dog Sled Races in Alaska

I recently read three books—back to back—that were all about sled dog races in Alaska. I recommend all three books, especially if you love dogs.

I lived in Alaska for a year back in the late ‘70s, and I could really identify with the stories about Alaska, its beauty, the unique culture, the weather, etc.

Click “more” for more information about these books.


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Posted under: Books I've Enjoyed • by Rick on 08/20/2003 at 09:30 PM
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