“The world stands aside to let anyone pass who knows where he is going.” – David Starr Jordan

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

4th of July Week at the Cabin

Lynne and I, the eight dogs and three cats, spent the week of 4 July at the cabin. It was a great break from work and the bustle of Fort Collins. And, even though it was pretty hot up there, it is usually about 10 degrees cooler than at home. (When we got home the yard and garden were bone dry.)

Of course, the weekend prior to the 4th was pretty busy and noisy up there with ATVs running around and people doing target practice with their guns. But, by Tuesday it was quiet and peaceful—what we go to the mountains for.

We ate well, got some exercise walking the dogs. I caught some fish. We cut some wood in preparation for cooler weather. We hunted mushrooms and photographed wildflowers. We put together puzzles, I wrote some cool PHP-based recipe book software. We read books, watched a couple of movies. Trimmed dog nails and cut mats from behind their ears. We improvised a pizza one night and cooked it on the barbeque. Doesn’t sound like much, but sometimes we just sat and did nothing. The week went fast.

I’ll be posting about a hundred new wildflowers to the Wildflower Gallery soon. And, we will add a few photos to the Mushroom Gallery, too.

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Posted under: Cabin News • by Rick on 07/12/2005 at 12:20 PM
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Monday, June 13, 2005

Great Cabin Visit

We spent last week at the cabin in SCP. We were going to go up on Saturday, June 4th, but Larry Martin called us and said there was 18” of snow at his place. That means there was at least 24” at our place, so we delayed our trip up by a day. All the roads were closed anyway, so it would have been hard getting in and a late arrival.

When we got there, there was still a lot of snow on the ground, but this time of year it melts fast!

Our main objective this year was to show Lynne’s mom, Marian, a moose. She had never seen one and was frustrated that in 4 years of visiting the cabin for a week each year, we’d tell stories about seeing moose, but would never see one. We saw 7 moose throughout the week! Here are a couple of photos:

Rick and Lynne Robinson, Fort Collins, Colorado

Rick and Lynne Robinson, Fort Collins, Colorado

Another notable event was seeing some Mountain Bluebirds nesting just behind the cabin. And, to see an Indigo Bunting—a very rare site in our part of the world. He was probably migrating south to a warmer climate.

Here are the Bluebirds (the female is above, the male, below):

Rick and Lynne Robinson, Fort Collins, Colorado

The Indigo Bunting:

Rick and Lynne Robinson, Fort Collins, Colorado

And, just for the heck of it, a Western Tanager:

Rick and Lynne Robinson, Fort Collins, Colorado

A good time was had by all, especially Bart!

Rick and Lynne Robinson, Fort Collins, Colorado

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Posted under: Cabin News • by Rick on 06/13/2005 at 02:53 PM
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Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Wild Mushroom Gallery

Just a quick notice that I’m turning on a wild mushroom photo gallery site. Most of the photos will be of mushrooms that Lynne and I (and the dogs) find around our mountain cabin. I’ve posted a couple of dozen photos from last year just to get it started and will post photos throughout the mushroom season this year.

You can find the site by going here or, you can click on the link under “Links to My Other Websites” on the home page of this site.

Hope you enjoy. And, as always, feel free to comment.

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Posted under: Cabin NewsMushroom Articles • by Rick on 05/24/2005 at 03:13 PM
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Monday, May 09, 2005

More on Wildflowers

There was so much interest in my (not yet completed and probably never will be) wildflower site, that I’ve decided to start an image gallery of wildflowers starting this Spring. You can find it here. (Meantime, I’ve decommissioned the old site.)

I’ll add flowers each week or two throughout the season to document the type and timing of wildflowers at the cabin.

Feel free to visit often. And, add comments if you want.

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Posted under: Cabin News • by Rick on 05/09/2005 at 03:50 PM
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Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Wildflowers at our Cabin

Today, while checking my web site usage statistics, I saw that there was a reference to my web site from a site that features flowers. However, the link to my site takes you to this page, not the wildflower page. So, here is the link to wildflowers at our cabin.

It is about that time of year again! We’ve already seen a few Pasque Flowers.

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Posted under: Cabin News • by Rick on 05/03/2005 at 12:27 PM
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