“The lesson which life repeats and constantly enforces is ‘look under foot.’ You are always nearer the divine and the true sources of your power than you think.” – John Burroughs

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Day Five 2011 Cabin Trip

Sam made noise all night. He finds crinkly things to chew on, and when he thinks we should be up he really starts making noise by knocking items off the counters onto the floor. This morning he chewed on a crinkly candy bag and knocked candies onto the floor. What a pain.

We took a walk “around” this morning—that is down to the pond on one side of the valley and back up on the other side. It is a nice 1/2 hour walk and the dogs enjoy it. Bella especially enjoys the pond. Here is a photo of her shaking off. It was early morning, the sun was low in the sky and caught all the water droplets in the air.


Hailey just looked on:


The big Aspen trees are still very green and I don’t know if we’ll see much color this year. Last year at the same time the Aspens were already golden. But, there are a few things changing color.



After we got back, I did a few chores. I put up a new solar powered exterior security light. I went into the crawlspace to see how mice and rats might be getting in (I found a spot.) Larry came over and we chatted for a while. I guess when he came over to fire up the fridge a few days ago, the place was a real mess and (bless his heart) he cleaned it up for us.

We had sandwiches for lunch, then I did a couple of other chores. For example, we have a decorative “wishing well”-like cover for the water well cap and a moose or elk had probably walked past it and knocked it over. It is broken some so I started the process of mending it. Unfortunately, I need some wood screws and brads, so finishing the chore will need to wait unit we go into town.

We put together a small puzzle—just to get some puzzling exercise. We’ll tackle a big one soon.

Grilled steaks and twice-baked potatoes for dinner. Then, we watched some “home movies” of our trip to the Seychelles in 1990 wink Boy was I skinny then.



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Posted under: Cabin News • by Rick on 09/20/2011 at 08:10 AM
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