“A ship in harbor is safe, but that’s not why ships are built” — Fortune Cookie

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Day Nine 2011 Cabin Trip

Today, Ron came and finished up some work from last year. He caulked any cracks in the logs that face upward and might catch and hold rain or snow. Last year he completely stained the exterior to protect the logs from the elements. Still, the logs on the East and South facing side of the cabin need that again - so another chore for next year.

He also patched the big holes that I had a photo of previously. This will keep the pack rats and other rodents out of the fireplace chimney.

Since he was here most of the day, we did not do any long walks. And, I think the dogs might have appreciated the break.

We did take the chain saw over to a big tree that has fallen and is partially obstructing an association road. It ran for a minute then died and I could not get it started again. Typical of a cheap chain saw. I left the good one in NJ. It was probably just flooded, so I’ll try again some day. We did collect a bunch of broken branches and hauled them back for firewood.

The weather station is working great, it was 37 degrees overnight (and that is the current temperature as I write this on Saturday morning.) Barometer is falling slightly, but not enough to bring any “bad” weather, so I think we are in for warm, sunny days for the duration.

We had Uncle Louie Burgers and twice fried French Fries for dinner. Lynne made a Banana Cream Pie. Yum.

Oh yeah, I got the little wishing well cover for the water pipes put back together. I’ll try to remember to take a picture.

That is it for the day. I’ll leave you with a photo from yesterday.


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Posted under: Cabin News • by Rick on 09/24/2011 at 07:45 AM
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