“My Grandmother is over eighty and still doesn’t need glasses. Drinks right out of the bottle.” – Henny Youngman

Monday, February 07, 2022

“Infinity” Cowl

My most recent weaving project (that is completed) was an "Infinity" Cowl from a kit by Gist Yarn. It is woven using relatively fine silk noil. Every 3 inches in the weft, I placed a 1/2-inch strip of cardboard in the shed to create open space in the fabric. That open space can then be used as button holes, allowing one to create a huge number of different looks for the cowl. (Probably not an "infinite" number--but a whole bunch.)

This was meant to be a Christmas gift for Lynne, but got delayed until I was physically able to weave again.

I actually made two of these. The first was too short. The instructions were contradictory. They said to do 12 repeats of the pattern, yet weave for 50 inches. Well, 12 repeats did not add up to 50 inches and that was the instruction I followed on the first cowl. One thing about Gist Yarn's kits is they often send much more yarn that is required for the pattern. So, I had enough left to try again, this time going to 50 inches, which was 14 repeats. (I still have enough of the silk yard left to do a "shrug" which I'm currently working on.)

Here are some photos of a few ways the cowl can be styled.

Tags:  weaving
Posted under: Weaving • by Rick on 02/07/2022 at 03:40 PM
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