Friday, March 12, 2004

Customer Service, NOT!

I just had the most bizarre experience. Lynne and I are planning to make a provisioning trip to the cabin tomorrow, taking up large and bulky items we need like paper towels, dog biscuits, etc. And, we needed to leave this morning, early, to take Daisy to a vet for X-rays in Castle Rock. So, I took off about 8:30 this morning to do the shopping.

At about 9:30 I stopped at Sam’s Club to get the bulk paper towels and dog biscuits. I flashed my membership card as I entered the store, as I always do, and was refused entry! “You cannot shop until 10:00.” The store was clearly open and people were shopping. I just stood there with my mouth hanging open, “what do you mean I can’t shop until 10:00?”

I was told that until 10:00, only “business owners” were allowed to shop. Okay, interesting policy, but what if I only needed some paper towels and dog biscuits and needed them now so I could get out of town? I was told to go to the service desk and tell them my problem.

I expressed my frustration at the service desk and said that I did not want to be a member anymore if I couldn’t get my dog biscuits and paper towels. The guy behind the counter, without saying a word, took my membership card, canceled my membership, refunded me $35.00, and wished me a good day!

As I exited the store, the woman who first refused me entry asked if the problem got resolved. I told her what happened and she was upset claiming that a manager should have been called and that a manager would make an exception and allow me to shop. So, she called a manager.

When the manager got there, I explained my problem. He gave me a lecture on how restricted hours had been a policy of Sam’s Club and even Pace before them. At the end of the lecture, he did offer to allow me to do my shopping on that day. I told him that I no longer had a membership card because of the earlier actions where it was canceled and I was refunded.

He said, “Oh, well then we can’t allow you to shop at all if you don’t have a membership card!”

So, clearly, I’ll not shopping at WalMart or Sam’s Club any more.

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Posted under: Stuff You Gotta Know! • by Rick on 03/12/2004 at 10:51 AM
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