“Frisbeetarianism is the belief that when you die, your soul goes up on the roof and gets stuck.” – George Carlin

Monday, August 12, 2013

Robbie the Robot

As you probably know, we have a pool. And, pools require maintenance. Opening and closing. Chemicals. Cleaning.

When we first moved into the house in NJ, we bought a pool cleaning robot from AquaBot, and nicknamed it "Robbie". Each weekend we throw Robbie in the pool to clean up grunge from the bottom. It is amazing how many leaves and worms, along with sand, dirt and bugs can accumulate on the pool bottom in a week. Robbie does a "random walk" around the pool diligently vacuuming up this stuff. He occasionally gets stuck on the ladder (he really loves the ladder), or on pool-bottom drain. And, he seems to spend more time cleaning the sides of the pool than the bottom. He ingests his own power cord sometimes. But, mostly he works unsupervised for six or seven hours and produces a clean, sparkling pool.

I decided to use the time-lapse camera that Lynne gave me for Christmas last year, and make a movie of Robbie cleaning the pool last Saturday. This movie filled the memory in the camera, but Robbie was about done by then anyway. Enjoy!

(PS: The pool heater should get installed next week!)

Tags:  videoat-homepool
Posted under: New JerseyStuff You Gotta Know! • by Rick on 08/12/2013 at 07:18 AM
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