“Beelzebug (n.): Satan in the form of a mosquito that gets into your bedroom at three in the morning and connot be cast out.

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

TV and Staying in Touch

Up till a few years ago, when at the cabin we were totally out of touch with what was happening in the “real world”. I think we’ve both posted in the past about our 9/11 experience—not knowing about it for a while because we had no radio, no TV, no phones. Well, now we have satellite Internet and satellite TV, although we have not watched much TV.

Tonight I turned on the news to see what is going on and learned about the “controversy” about the President of the United States speaking to the children of our country about responsibility and the importance of an education. Controversy? Oh my god—who are these stoopid people who are so partisan, so right-of-right, that they would deny the children of this country the opportunity to be inspired by the most inspiring President since JFK? Inspired to take responsibility for their future? Inspired to stay in school and pursue an education?

I can’t say how ashamed and angry I am. Ashamed to be in a country with such shallowness. Angry about what the past few years of partisanship and right-wing driven politics has done to us. I think we have completely lost our values as a country when we can’t show respect for the President (okay, I bashed Bush, but there are limits), and actually be enthusiastic about a charismatic and inspiring President to motivate and challenge the youth of our country.

Chili and cheese biscuits for dinner. That should help!

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Posted under: Stuff You Gotta Know! • by Rick on 09/08/2009 at 05:37 PM
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