“We cannot really love anybody with whom we never laugh.” – Agnes Repplier
Friday, March 03, 2006
We Are Moving to New Jersey
I’ve started a new category of topics on this site. It is called “New Jersey” and we’ll post information and insights related to our move from Fort Collins, Colorado to Hewitt, New Jersey.
I am fortunate to have the opportunity to join a great company based in Wayne, New Jersey. The people there are great, the work environment is superb, and their products are very exciting. I’ll post more details once I’m actually “on the job”.
Many people’s reaction upon learning about this move is complete surprise. First, I am a Westerner and most people just cannot imagine me wanting to move “back East”. Second, for some reason people in the West have negative images of New Jersey. Well both assumptions are false. I’m thrilled about the idea of living in the East. And, Lynne and I think New Jersey is a great place. We’ve found the people to be friendly and welcoming, the country side is beautiful, and we will have an opportunity to live in a new place and learn about a new part of the country. (Plus, we’ll only be a few hours from where Lynne was born and about 4 hours from her mom.)
So, when we get around to it, we’ll post articles here describing our move and life “back East”.
Posted under: New Jersey • by Rick on 03/03/2006 at 08:15 AM
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