About the weather forecast, I mean. The weatherman is crying wolf again. Or is he? Honestly, this is getting a bit old. They are using the “B” word for our weather tonight and tomorrow. Up to 11 inches of snow possible for us. Sure, sure. As if I believe them! Show me the snow; go ahead, I dare you.
How unfair though. Tomorrow was our day to go in to the city to watch CHOPPED being filmed. Doesn’t it just figure that we wait so long to get a really good storm and it has to do it on the one day we have something important planned? We can reschedule for another day, but still.
So we wait. But, I’m telling you—I won’t believe it until I see it.
but NOT HERE! We saw not one flake of the white stuff here in case you are all thinking we are as snowed in as southern NJ. No such luck. Just a grey and gloomy day. pooh.
I hope if you watch the SuperBowl tomorrow you will notice the Super Vision icon in the upper corner of the picture. This denotes the use of the Phantom cameras from the company Rick works for. They have nine cameras covering the footage tomorrow for anything in super slow motion.
Exciting stuff! Rick was actually interviewed on our local NJ12 news the other day. Even our beloved Sailor was used in a slow motion clip on television. Here is the link to watch but you need to turn up your sound really high to hear it:
An employee of VRI is on site in Miami and running a blog on her adventures with the cameras. If you want to follow along with Toni, go to this link:
Go Toni!
Ideas for blog entries radiate out from my mind like the spokes of a wheel. Which way to go? Which one to choose? I think about them all: Bella wants computer time; Pookie would like to be talked about; the Paul Revere curtains are all photographed and waiting for their moment; I finished my slippers; I started my rug (hooking); and probably more, but these are the ones foremost in my mind right now. I sit down to write and nothing comes out.
I hope that one of those will find their way into a slot so I can move forward. Soon.
According to Phil we’re in for six more weeks of winter. That’s okay by me since what we’ve had so far hasn’t seemed like much of a winter. We’ve had plenty of cold and wind, but not much in the way of snow. All the storms are tracking south of us, allowing those folks in Dixie to have some snow for themselves. I’m not sure how many of them truly appreciate it. We continue to get “coatings” that don’t even warrant getting Johnny out of his cozy home under the deck. Phil, could you please manage to send us some good snow? Please?
When I went out behind the house over the weekend to see if any good ice had formed on the little stream I found something that makes me question Phil’s prediction. Take a look.
A lonely little skunk cabbage making its way up out of the ice! Could this mean spring is not far behind? Don’t be in such a hurry little swamp cabbage, I think we still have more winter coming our way. At least I hope so. Your turn will come soon enough.
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