Not much to say but I wanted to document the first Lynne Swim of the season. Today. Outside air temp around 81F degrees under sun-behind-clouds-sun-out from behind-clouds weather. Humidity around 77%. Water temp in the pool, fighting to hold at 70F. I struggled with getting in. First I sat on the edge and put my legs in about halfway up to my knee. After I felt comfortable I decided to just slide off the edge of the waist-deep (for me) part of the pool. After a few gasps at the cold water hitting me mid-body it didn’t feel too bad. I walked around acclimating myself to the cool water.
I stood at the edge of the drop-off where it goes from waist deep to 9 feet for a long time. The sun taunted me by dipping in and out of clouds. When the sun was out it felt great and I was ready to take the plunge. Then the sun went behind a huge cloud and I wasn’t so ready anymore. Finally I had a firm talk (out loud) with myself. Just do it Lynne. Just do it. So I did.
It was cold, but at the same time refreshing. I did a few laps. Rick watched from the cabana.
I now have a “first.” Usually Rick is the first one to swim but he was not willing today. I splashed around for quite a while before he dipped the first half of his body in only waist deep. And no further did he go.
Ah, I will relish in my “firstness” for a while. It felt great.
Friend Carolyn was visiting for a few days and we headed over to Skylands with our cameras to see what was blooming.
Not sure what this is (maybe Mountain Laurel?) but I liked the intricate flowers.
Pretty peonies!
Spiky purple things of which I recognize but don’t know the names of. *duh*
And quite a few iris.
And one iris three ways!
By the way, Rick made it home safely last night. This past six weeks has been pretty hectic. We’ve either been away (both together and separately) or we’ve had company. More company coming for the weekend and then blissfully nothing is planned so I hope to get back to blogging about our trip to France next week. In the meantime, thanks for stopping by and reading!
dad… i know you’re still in China tonight and all and you’ll be home tomorrow night this time, but I just wanted to let you know what’s going on at home ...
Notations from mom: outside temp today: 82 F; pool temp upon opening 59 F
Ain’t it amazing? Who would think that Rick could call me on his cell phone from the top of the Great Wall of China? He did. Huffing and puffing as he made the climb. I stand in awe of technology. Hopefully pics to follow once he gets home. And I am SO ready for that!
Note pics just added that were sent from his phone!
While Rick was in Tiananmen Square in Beijing watching a somewhat “friendly” protest, I was in my backyard viewing the first firefly sighting of the season. Just a few faint ones, but still, there they were. The frogs were also busy singing tonight around dusk. The low pitched altos and the baby sopranos gave a lovely concert. I have never lived anywhere else that I can have both fireflies and frog song. I can’t begin to tell you how happy they both make me. Plus, there was also a bat swooping around eating insects. Granted, there was only one where we used to have at least six or seven, but due to some kind of mold (which I can’t remember what it was exactly) our bat population has died off over the past several years. I hope they are making a comeback.
Speaking of coming back, I will be glad when my husband is home once again!
Mt. Fuji through the haze as seen by Rick two days ago. Photo by Rick.