The “I” states are behind us now and so is a small bite out of the state of Nebraska. Good thing we are in for the night because it looks like some nasty weather about to hit us.
Not a totally pleasant drive today. The wind was really blowing all the way through Iowa and the part of Nebraska that we drove through. Nothing new about the wind and Nebraska. It’s always blowing. Funny thing about wind. You don’t notice it that much on the East Coast where there are plenty of trees to break it up. Here there is nothing so you feel the full force of it. And of course it’s always sideways!
New camera battery charging ... haven’t configured the new camera yet ... drinking a glass of wine while waiting for our pizza to be delivered.
Road tired and brain dead!
Next stop: the cabin!
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Posted by Lynne on 05/27/2012 at 06:13 PM
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Doesn’t it just figure? I went to take a photo of the sunrise in my side mirror this morning and my camera was saying “error.” Then it said “Card write protected” or something like that. So, the card was not working. Rick had taken it out last night to download the photo of the truck and something happened I guess. We tried everything and the card works in his camera, so it must be the electronics in mine. Bummer.
So here I sit in the parking lot Best Buy in Coral Ridge, Iowa (Iowa City) waiting with the dogs as Rick goes in to buy me a new camera! It’s too hot (88 degrees in full sun) to leave them in the car by themselves, so since he’s purchased the last two cameras for me I think I pretty much trust him to pick a new one out.
It’s my fault I’m pretty sure. Do you remember that photo of our little outdoor fire pit a few weeks back? Well ... I had forgotten that I took my camera down with me and left it hanging on the back of the chair all night. It also drizzled rain that same night. oops. Not very smart.
I’ve had it in my mind that I was close to needing (or is that wanting) a new camera soon but I did not plan this!
There is a big fire burning near here as well and it smells awful. I think it might be a tire fire since the smoke is really black.
Oh well. What’s a road trip without some drama?
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Posted by Lynne on 05/27/2012 at 10:02 AM
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