Yesterday we had about 2.5 inches of wet snow. It stuck to everything and made it all look very Christmas-y. Very nice indeed. It won’t be melting either since we are to have below freezing temperatures through the end of this week when it’s predicted we get yet another storm on Saturday. Right now we’ve heard everything from another wintry mix to 3 to 5 inches of snow first, then ice, then rain. Both my neighbors have their Christmas parties planned for Saturday and Sunday, so I hope they still get a good turn-out. All we have to do is make it across the street so I guess at least we’ll show up.
Nearly every night I am awakened by this sound. It penetrates through the closed windows. Very eerie. At first I wondered if it was a bird of some sort, but no, it’s the fox. It makes other odd sounds too. Sometimes it sounds like it’s right under our window, while other times it’s in the distance. The sound really carries in the moist, damp air. I don’t mind having it around but I do think it’s the reason we don’t have any turkeys anymore. I miss the turkeys. I’m not sure if it’s still living under the side deck or not since I haven’t actually seen it in a while, but the dogs check out the hole almost every day.
If you want to see our weather you can always check out our weather cam which is now aimed at the front of the house. (Note: images stop at sunset.) You might even catch a glimpse of me once in a while!
Photo: our front door
Oh my! How did two weeks fly by without a blog post? I’m not quite sure. One reason might be that while scooping dog food out of the can while feeding the dogs last week, the tip of my index finger made contact with the sharp rim of the can and sliced an envelope-like deep cut with a flap. It’s been too sore to type with. You don’t realize how many things you do with the tip of your index finger until you lose the use of it! Things like typing, knitting, swiping my iPad, washing my hair, etc. At least the flap is healed over now and I’m not at risk for catching it and ripping it back open. It’s still tender to the touch and a little numb.
At least that’s a reason for not blogging.
We’re getting into the Christmas spirit finally. On Friday I hung all the lighted garlands in the house around doorways, brought up our little fiber optic snowman and plugged them all in for an instant transformation. Saturday found us at our favorite little locally owned nursery to buy our “old-fashioned-style” fir tree. We also bought a wreath for the door and wreaths for the light posts at the top of our driveway. We spent the rest of Saturday decorating the outside of our front door and porch railings. We decided not to put lights on the trees in front this year because we can never get them off until March, so we settled for a lighted entry. It looks good.
Yesterday dawned gray and gloomy. We walked the dogs and split some firewood, plus carrying over more firewood from the reserve stash in the yard to underneath the deck. Then we tackled trimming the tree. It’s a very pretty tree, plump and full with not much space for ornaments to hang.
The weather has been gray a lot. It’s also been cold enough for the ponds and lakes to begin freezing over. Last night we had a “wintry mix” overnight and everything is coated with ice. One unlovely thing about living in the East: the icy stuff that falls from the sky instead of snow. We are supposed to get 2-4 inches of snow tomorrow, so we’ll see. If so, it will be the first one this year.
I think we’re ready for winter, so bring it on!
Posted by Lynne on 12/09/2013 at 12:33 PM
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