One week from today, we'll be here: San Miguel de Allende, Mexico. We've rented a rather large casita near the center of town, somewhere close to that big pink cathedral (the Parroquia) you can see in the photo. Rick's mom is joining us. Can't wait! If you remember, we were scheduled for this trip last October when Alex got sick and we had to cancel. Thankfully the owners of the house let us keep the half of the deposit we had already paid and the airline extended our frequent flyer miles so we didn't lose any money.
When I tell people we are going to Mexico they always assume we are going somewhere with water. When I tell them that we are nowhere near any water, they frown. Why go to Mexico if not for the beach? Because. Because San Miguel is magical. Because San Miguel is historical. Because San Miguel is one mile high. Because the food is wonderful since many top chefs choose to live here.
Below is my favorite photo that I took when I was last there. Rick doesn't like it as much as I do because he wishes I had used a deeper depth of field. I like it the way it is because it focuses on the woman with her orange bucket. To tell you truth, I didn't even know that gentleman was across the street when I took the photo because I was so focused on her. So, how about you? Do you like the shallow depth of field or would you have preferred to see the gentleman in full focus as well?
Posted by Lynne on 04/17/2014 at 11:21 AM
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Gee, it's been a while since I posted last. I'm not sure where the time goes! I am boring with no photos to show you and I really do need to replace that wintry header. BRRR! It doesn't look like that here anymore, although we did have a little snow overnight with 26 degrees. Hopefully that is the last of it!
Rick had a business trip to Miami and one of the days they took an excursion to the Everglades. He got some wonderful photos! Here is the link to his site (or click on Rick's tab above) where he has four of his favorites up with a link for the full gallery. Be sure to leave him a comment -- he'd love that.
In other news my sister's visit came and went by very quickly. She was excited that while she was here our little T@B trailer came in and she went with us to Pennsylvania to pick it up. She suggested the name Lady Bug and we liked it so much we are going to keep it! Thanks, sis! More on Lady Bug to follow very soon!
Posted by Lynne on 04/16/2014 at 12:07 PM
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I think we've now turned the corner to Spring! We only have a few stubborn patches of snow left after our two inches of rain this past weekend. On Monday when the snow finally receded off the flower bed by the pool I saw that the daffodils had broken ground and just been waiting for their white covering to leave. The dogs have been running all over the yard, sniffing and taking in all the scents that they haven't been able to sniff since December. The trees have taken on a reddish tinge that means they are thinking about bursting their buds. Finally.
My amaryllis have started to bloom. The big one has already sent up a flower stalk which has finished blooming and it is sending up yet another one. The "baby" (shown here) also bloomed for the first time. I guess I should separate it out from the mother bulb when they're done blooming. My oldest amaryllis has two smallish stalks coming, but my favorite frilly one has only produced nice shiny new leaves. I don't think it's going to bloom which breaks my heart.
Tuesday was a beautiful day. The sun was out and even though it was still a little brisk it was really nice. I went to Skylands for a walk. I did the lower loop with all the woods and the pond. I heard the knocking of the pileated woodpecker and searched for it high in the trees. It was close to the nesting box at the pond. It's so much fun to see it. They are such cool looking birds. I was aiming the camera and staring up when a man and woman walked by and wondered what I saw. I pointed out the woodpecker and the woman said "Oh, it's a woody." I liked her cute little nickname and I think I'll adopt it.
I found the pond still mostly covered in ice.
This pair of geese were enjoying the parts of the pond that are now ice-free.
Once back in the car and on my way out of the park I had to pull over to see what the splashes of purple were by the side of the road. Crocus!
Welcome, spring!
Posted by Lynne on 04/03/2014 at 05:18 AM
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