Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Post Thanksgiving catch-ups

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey
Sunrise over the backyard this morning.

I know I haven’t posted much over the weekend. Well, okay, not at all. Black Lynne was in residence but I think she’s left now. For those of you who know me personally, you’ll understand. Sometimes there is just a black cloud over my head and no matter how much I try and shake it off, its persistence is maddening. If I dodge left, it follows; dodging right has the same effect. Sometimes it comes with rain, thunder, and even lightning. Thankfully this time there was only a touch of rain.

Perhaps I can blame it on the wind. (Or maybe I should just admit I’m a moody little bugger.)  But I do believe it has something to do with the barometric pressure of which I seem to be closely aligned with. It seems magnified being this close to sea level. The dogs feel it too and get very jumpy. We had a big blow overnight on Friday night into the day on Saturday. The wind woke me up out of a sound sleep. It barreled through the trees with a steady freight train roar, the gusts shaking the house. It woke up the old ghost in the attic, forcing it to walk the floorboards above me. (Not really sure what causes this phenomenon to occur but it happens whenever the wind is really bad, and believe me it sounds like someone is walking in the attic. Creepy.) Phantom tree branches scraped against the house like gnarly fingers on a chalk board. We lost power several times during the day on Saturday but at least we didn’t lose any big trees. Our neighbor across the street lost a big one that came down over the road. We lost a few small ones that got uprooted, and lots of large branches all over the front yard, but thankfully nothing major. Our flag blew right off the flag pole and ended up in the neighbor’s yard across the street: undamaged I might add. I HATE wind.

The wind did cooperate on Sunday and settled down so that we could put up the outside Christmas lights and decorations. All went well except for one small thing. Rick was hanging wreaths above the four downstairs windows and I was holding the ladder for him. When I looked up I caught a blur of motion before I felt something hit my chin hard. ouch! A large flashlight had fallen out of his pocket and found me on its way down. I have a small bruise and a somewhat tender chin—nothing big. I’m just glad it hit me there instead of in the eye or on the nose. But, the outside of the house looks nice and festive!

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

The wind did knock plenty of pine cones out of our tree which seems to have an overly large supply this year. I picked them all up and saved them for lighting fires in the wood stove. Look at how many!

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

Bella got her sutures out on Friday, but the vet still insists that we not let her out with the other dogs and to curtail her activity level. I asked the vet if she’d like to come home with us and help out with that. Honestly, Bella is feeling so good it’s a constant struggle to not let her run. The vet was adamant, however, so we will continue to follow instructions for another two weeks. Bella can’t wait to be free again to do as she’d like and I can’t wait for my freedom again either.

Yesterday I boiled down the turkey carcass and made turkey pot pie with the last of the turkey. It was the perfect day for it since it was rainy and grey out. Yum! I love turkey or chicken pot pies made with broth from scratch. The only frozen ingredient is the peas, otherwise I use only fresh carrots, celery, and onions with a biscuit dough topping (also from scratch).  I made extra filling so I could have it to freeze for another meal later on. Rick declared it the best ever but I just think he forgets from year to year how good it is.

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

I finished one slipper (double sole and all) and started on the next one. I had to remind myself how to roll the cuff and use the same technique to attach the second sole! (Letty, I promise to do a post on this!)

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

I have most of my Christmas shopping done already. This is the first year I can remember that I’ve been so far ahead of the game. I have to admit that I did most of it online—just too easy!

Johnny gets his winter gear on tomorrow. Off with the mowing deck and on with the snow blower! The snow poles are up on the driveway, so now we just have to wait for the white stuff to start falling from the sky. Fingers crossed.

I think that about catches up all that’s happening around here. More to come soon! Thanks for stopping by!

Friday, November 27, 2009

And the winner is…

The winner for the yarn giveaway is BECKY!

Becky, you were chosen from hand written names tossed into a coffee cup. From there, husband Rick was asked to draw the winning person, and it was you! Congratulations!

Since I don’t know your snail mail address, please email me.

I would love to see what you do with this yarn! You are one winning woman!!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Happy Day before Thanksgiving

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

Greetings fellow readers! As I look out on this day I see gloomy skies, fog and drizzle. As the day wears on the fog gets thicker and thicker. It’s so dark outside! I am keeping cozy by the fire with plenty to do however. My pumpkin pie is in the oven baking, filling the house with a wonderful aroma, the cranberry sauce is done (in my Mom’s crystal bowl).

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

With a few of the Thanksgiving tasks taken care of I’ll be settling down now in front of the fire to have a mini marathon of my favorite Christmas movies. Have you seen any of these?

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

They never fail to jump start my holiday mood. Since Thanksgiving is so late this year, I need all the help I can get. Why is it that I don’t ever really start thinking about Christmas until Thanksgiving? I wish they would insert another month in-between. That would be much more to my liking. That way you’d have plenty of time to gear up for the holiday season. Yikes! Christmas is in just a few short weeks!

I’ll also be working on these while watching the movies: Rick’s slippers. Don’t worry, I know they look big enough to be clown shoes but they get thrown in the washer and felted down to a normal size. Cozy and warm, and my favorite pattern of all to knit! (More on that later.)

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

I might even get to start this:

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

I need a thriller right about now!

Hope your holiday is cozy and packed full of all the things you love!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Down the woodchuck hole

Taking Bella out on a leash in the back yard can be either an enjoyable experience or a painful one. Enjoyable because we get one-on-one time together and it’s interesting to see see her favorite places in the yard first hand. Painful because once in a while she’ll just take off without warning and fly to the end of the leash, causing a painful, abrupt jerk of the arm. Also painful on forays into the woodsy part of the yard. In and out of trees with small branches poking into my arms and face. I’ve learned one thing for sure: she does not travel in a straight line.

And, now that she’s feeling her old feisty self again she has taken to trying to chew the leash in half so she can be free, all the while bouncing up and down like a kangaroo. This is new, and trust me, not an endearing little act but it is funny. I try not to let her see me laugh.

Of course, her most favorite spot in the entire yard is the woodchuck hole under the side deck. It looks harmless enough, right?

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

Just room enough to stick a dog’s head into, but certainly nothing else?

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

Okay. On Sunday we were outside raking and blowing the last of the leaves. Bella was inside, staring out at me through the sliding glass door. Her eyes said mommy please please please let me outside with you. i am so bored and i promise to be good. I fell for it thinking she would just come out and hang out with us. If she got too rowdy I would just put her back inside. I let her out and the glee in her expression said it all. i’m free! i’m free! I went back to my raking, keeping an eye on her. She seemed to be doing just fine up on the side deck sniffing around.

A few minutes later I look up to check on her whereabouts and ... she’s gone! I quickly scan the yard, the woods. Nowhere in sight. I panic. I call out BELLA! Nothing. I look back up to where I last saw her and know she couldn’t have gone very far in the few minutes I had looked away. The side deck. The woodchuck hole. A sinking feeling started to take over me. No. No, she couldn’t. Could she? She wouldn’t have gone under the deck into the hole. Would she? I knew in my gut that that was exactly where I would find her. I threw down the rake and ran to the deck. BELLA! I called. Nothing. Closer and closer I got, calling—now screaming—her name in panic. Honestly, the worst thing a dog with stitches in their belly should be doing is crawling into a hole! I was having visions going through my head of Rick having to tear up the boards to get her out, her thrashing around panicking. I mean, I didn’t know how far she could go under there. I was almost to the hole, waves of guilt and fear washing over me, when out popped her head, then the rest of her body.

There she stood. Muddy and dirty, leaves sticking to her coat, with a big grin on her face. hey mom. guess where i was? I was ready to kill her and feeling (very very) guilty at this point, imagining that she possibly had torn something up inside. I grabbed her collar and promptly marched her back into the house. I kept a close eye on her for the rest of the day for any signs of distress, but she appeared to be no worse the wear from the “hole” experience.  Well. So much for letting her off leash until the stitches come out and the vet gives the all-ok for normal exercise.

When I laid on my stomach on the deck and hung over the edge of the hole to try and get a photo of how much room there really was under there, this is what I got.

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

So, it doesn’t look like she could really go very far. Still.

As for the woodchuck hole, we’ve added a few impediments to the entrance in the form of big chunks of logs. Now only the head can get in.

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

awww mom. you’ve spoiled all my fun!

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

Get over it Bella!

And folks, don’t forget to sign up for my special Christmas yarn giveaway! The drawing will take place on Friday! Don’t miss out!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

What (not) to wear? final conclusion

Dress No. 4: Black dress, ruffles (Rick wants me to call them tiers instead of ruffles), asymmetrical shoulders was worn in the end. At least it won’t have the dubious aura surrounding it as the I-got-drunk-in-the-cobalt-blue dress does. I may never be able to wear that cobalt blue dress in mixed company again. Well, at least not the company I was with last night since they all know the story now.

Back to clothes with dog hair and dog slobber on them today to finish up the business of raking/blowing leaves. In other words, back to normal life on four acres in way-out-of the-suburbs New Jersey.

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey
“X” marks the spot over my house.


Welcome, I'm Lynne. You know me better as a 'new' Jersey Girl. But now I've moved once again, this time to North Carolina. Here I write about my thoughts, good food, and of course, dogs.

© 2006-2023 Lynne Robinson All photography and text on this blog is copyright. For use or reproduction please ask me first.

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