Thursday, September 23, 2010

Sunrise, Sunset and things in-between

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

This was the sight that greeted me this morning upon opening up the curtains. What a beautiful sunrise! It was drizzling rain and overcast when I took this photo, but what color! We were awakened around 3:00 a.m. by rain drumming on the metal roof. Rain! The first we’ve seen since our arrival. Everything is so dry and parched here that the threat of fire remains very high, so it was nice to have some moisture. The cabin was chilly when we got up so I started a fire in the wood stove. Now it’s nice and toasty in here and the clouds are lifting, the sun is shining and it promises to be a lovely day.

Tuesday was our day to go into Laramie to grocery shop. We got a late start, stopping in to get reacquainted with neighbors Larry and Donna, so we didn’t arrive in Laramie until 11:30. This time we skipped the Safeway and did our shopping at the super Walmart and Albertson’s. Safeway is off our list of places to shop after getting bad chicken twice on Monday. First we did chicken wings for lunch and when I took a bite I knew they were off. We had also bought a whole chicken to make Bob’s Oven Fried Chicken with but when we opened the plastic wrap on it it had a definite off smell. The sell by date had not even been reached yet. Disgusting! We ended up eating a can of chili that has been in the cupboard for a couple of years (date still good!) and topped it with cornmeal and baked it in the oven.

Anyway, I am getting off track. We got home around 2:30, so most of the day was pretty much taken up with running around. It was a relief to get “home” and just chill out.

We had visitors in the afternoon. Cows. They seem to like our new little clearing. About seven of them decided it was a nice place to hang out and eat some grass, so they stayed for hours. Stupid cows. We are in open range country here which means if you don’t want the free ranging cattle on your land you have to fence them out. Otherwise they go where they want to. My mom would have thrilled to see them. Me? Not so much. They leave droppings everywhere which the dogs seem to think are pretty tasty. Here you can see two of them. The black one is hiding behind the tree.

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

I also have a correction to make. Our bird is not a Prairie Falcon but a Merlin. And a female or young adult at that. The male has also been around but I haven’t been able to take a photo of him. He is gray instead of brown on the back and very beautiful. She was here again yesterday but we haven’t seen her yet today.

Yesterday we decided to go down the road to Egger’s Pond for our morning walk. It can be a hot walk for the dogs, so we like to do it early in the morning before the sun gets too strong. When we got close to the pond, Bella took off on her own and we could hear splashing. Even though we could not see her we knew where she was. I wish we could have seen her go in for the first time because Egger’s Pond is deeper close to the shore than our pond is. She was completely wet so we know she must have been taken by surprise by the depth. I know I am always posting photos of Water Bella, but I can’t resist. She loves it so much!

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

It’s a nice long walk along the road and by the time we got home she was mostly dry.

This old tree is along the way and is one of my favorite subjects any time of the day.

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

Another favorite tree only this one is on our property along the road. Every year I take a photo of it because I know there will come a day when it blows over. Just over the past year another beautiful dead tree next to it has succumbed to the wind and is no longer standing. It’s so sad when these old friends fall over.

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

Yesterday we just took it easy around the cabin after our walk. It turned out to be a very cloudy day with the threat of rain. Finally a day when that strong western sun wasn’t glaring down on us! We finished a jigsaw puzzle that we were putting together which was quite an accomplishment given how hard it was. Time to start another one!

After dinner we took a drive around Sand Creek Park to see if we could spot any wildlife. We saw nothing. No deer. No elk. No moose. We have not heard any coyotes or owls either since we’ve been here. It seems void of wildlife other than cows but I’m sure we are just missing them. Here is the sun going down on the beaver pond with Bull Mountain in the background, followed by the sunset from last night.

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

And with that I think I’ve come to the end of this blog post. More to come I’m sure!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Settling in

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

I liked the shadow of the little leaf behind the big one. I just love the shape of aspen leaves!

We are settling into cabin mode slowly but surely. We get up, have some coffee and a bite of breakfast and then take the dogs for a walk. It’s been very windy for the past two days and unseasonably warm. You can tell how windy it is by looking at the dog’s fur blowing in the next few pictures.

Here is Bella posing prettily in front of Bull Mountain.

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

And Bella and Alex.

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

Hailey wanted her picture in the blog too.

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

Some of the aspens are really turning like this little grove on our property, but others haven’t even started yet.

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

I managed to find a photo we took last year to show how it looked before the tree removal took place. Here is the “before” photo followed by the “after” photo.

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

And here is what it looks like from inside the cabin looking out.

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

We can now see birds flying through the clearing. This prairie falcon visited this morning. It kept heckling the steller jays and swooping around the bird feeding station. We are not sure what it was up to but perhaps it views the newly opened space as its hunting ground and was not used to the jays being around it. He was beautiful to watch and kept us entertained for a good 45 minutes.

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

Our dear friend Linda drove all the way up from Denver yesterday to visit. It was wonderful to see her again. She is Alex’s breeder, and the minute she stepped out of her car he knew who she was even though he has not seen her for five years. It was so sweet to watch them get reacquainted. We talked and talked, drank wine (maybe a bit too much), and went on a few walks. She got to see Bella’s water dog act in action.

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

Her stay was short and after a long walk with the dogs this morning, she left to make the 3 hour drive home.

As I type the wind is whipping around the cabin in very strong gusts. I think the sound of the wind could drive a person crazy if it went on for very long. Hopefully it will stop tomorrow! It’s not very pleasant to be outside even though the temperature is 75 degrees F.

Tomorrow we will need to go into Laramie for more groceries since we only bought enough to get us through today. Maybe this time we’ll try shopping at the super Walmart instead of the Safeway even though I don’t like shopping at Walmart for groceries all that much. But, we don’t have a whole lot of choice!

I’ll leave you with this photo that I took this morning of this strange cloud that was hanging over the cabin.

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

Saturday, September 18, 2010

We have arrived!

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

We arrived at the cabin around 2:30 yesterday afternoon after a brief and somewhat frustrating grocery shopping expedition at the Laramie Safeway. It’s much warmer here than we would expect it to be in mid-September and the aspens have just started to change.

We were somewhat apprehensive about seeing the land surrounding our cabin since it would be the first time since we had around 200 beetle-killed trees removed in March of this year. It looks odd to our eyes and not the view we expect to see when we look out the window, but we think it’s a good kind of odd. Right now it’s a bit of a mess since they removed the trees while there was still quite a bit of snow on the ground to allow them to burn slash piles, and there are tree stumps higher than they should be and lots and lots of slash left.  But it has opened up our view and we can see the sunset now where before we had too many trees to see it. We can even see the silhouette of Bull Mountain through the remaining trees! I

I’m not sure if there is a photo of what it used to look like on Rick’s computer, but I’ll see if I can find one, then take a picture of what it looks like now.

We didn’t do much yesterday, just unpacked and tried to settle in after our long drive. We took a few short walks with the dogs and they seemed right at home. The cats knew where they were too and took up their old habits, such as eBay escaping outside without us knowing about it. Rick found her happily exploring under the picnic table. We will have to be more careful when letting the dogs in and out.

Here is a photo of the sunset on our walk last night; Bull Mountain is the backdrop.

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

We were a little worried about our steller jay population since their habitat are the big pines that we removed so many of. This morning when I opened the curtains there was a steller jay sitting in the tree as if it to say, “well, where are my peanuts?” I was very glad to see him. After I put some bird food out four of them arrived to feast on peanuts. They seem to be holding their own. I also saw a lot of flickers which I don’t remember having so many of.

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

This morning on our walk Bella couldn’t wait to get back into the pond for a swim. She certainly remembered that from last year! She splashed around a good bit, then would come out and shake off only to go right back in again. Our not-so-little water dog!

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

That’s the update for now!

Monday, August 23, 2010

August musings

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

This is what my shoes looked like the other morning after walking through my dew-laden grass.

Fall-ish leaves stuck to my shoes. Not something you would expect in the middle of August now is it? With our dry conditions this summer some of our trees are showing stress and dropping leaves early. I am not sure what this means for our fall colors this year. Hopefully the colors will still be good, although I am anticipating them to be earlier than usual. Normally they are at their peak around October 17. Since we will be taking our annual trip to our cabin in Colorado in a few weeks and returning the first week of October, I hope we don’t miss the show. We are hoping to catch the aspens changing at the cabin and then our New Jersey fall when we return.

I think we’ve broken the dry spell. Since yesterday morning when we shopped in the pouring rain at the farmer’s market to right now we’ve had a little over 4 inches of rain! And it’s still raining. It rained pretty much all day yesterday and it’s been raining since I got up. Any more and we are going to have to let water out of the pool! Our thirsty grass and plants have got to be happy. Drowned by now probably. I can hear the rush of water in our little creek behind our house from the deck. When this stops I am going to walk down and see just how much water it is carrying.

The wildlife is feeling fall in the air too I think. We hardly ever have deer in our yard although they frequent our neighbor’s yard quite a bit. When I looked out the other day in the late afternoon I saw this little family group in my front yard. A young buck with nubs for antlers, two does and a fawn. Please forgive the bad photos—they were taken through the screen and window.

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

They were flighty and hard to capture with the camera. I just love the color of our deer. They are not brown; more like a rich butterscotch color.

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

Not ten minutes after the deer were in my yard the turkeys came.

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

We see turkeys pretty much every day. We have three little groups that visit. One hen by herself, one with three babies and a larger grouping of hens and assorted size babies. They seem to be everywhere this year! HAH! I just looked out to see what the rain was doing and the same group of turkeys is out in front! Pretty wet turkeys I might add.

August is a funny month here. You would think that August would be the hottest month, but it’s not. July is. Right about mid-August it starts to change. The pool starts to tank on us seemingly overnight. Before we left for the shore last weekend we were swimming every night in luscious 82 degree water. When we returned four days later the temperature had dropped to 76/78 at best. Even though we’ve had warm days and nights this past week the temperature hasn’t budged. Now with all this rain it’s sure to bring it down even further. The sun is just not hitting it for the better part of the day. It’s sad but we’ve had a good run with the pool this year. In fact, probably the best pool year we’ve had. It’s beautiful at night, isn’t it?

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

In fact the whole summer has been wonderful. A little hot maybe, and we’ve certainly had our fair share of humidity; but it was all good. Given that, I am ready for cooler sleeping weather and the crisp air and golden light of fall. Instead of sitting around the pool with the tiki torches glowing at night, soon we’ll be sitting around the wood stove watching the glowing coals of wood.

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

Let the seasonal shift begin!

Friday, August 20, 2010

People watching

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey



Welcome, I'm Lynne. You know me better as a 'new' Jersey Girl. But now I've moved once again, this time to North Carolina. Here I write about my thoughts, good food, and of course, dogs.

© 2006-2023 Lynne Robinson All photography and text on this blog is copyright. For use or reproduction please ask me first.

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