Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Western early morning shadows

I’ll just let the photos speak for themselves except for a short explanation.
Photo 1: Me and Alex
Photo 2: Alex
Photo 3: Family photo of Rick, me and all three dogs.

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey


Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

Cabin Miscellany

Robinson's, Hewitt, New Jersey

Just in case any of you out there were wondering exactly where our cabin is, “X” marks the spot!

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey
The driveway.

It’s hard to believe that we only have three days left at the cabin. Three days. Where did the time go? The days slip by in a sunny blur. Yesterday our weather station here at the cabin registered 83 degrees F! Crazy. We are unsure yet of how to best spend the remaining time here. Do we take another drive? Walk the perimeter of our 70 acres? Or just be lazy and sit around and read (and blog)?

We’ve done a few chore-like things but not much. We have to fix our fence at the entrance to our cabin every year because the snow piles up so deep that the fence poles (which are just trees that have died and fallen over) don’t hold up very well. Rick took the big chain saw and cut through downed trees on our path through the woods and replaced the threshold on our front screen door. That’s about it for work.

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey
Part of the fence.

The other night we finally got lucky and caught a herd of cow elk just over the hill from the cabin. They were spooky and didn’t hold still for long. Still, it was nice to see them.

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

The cows continue to stroll through our newly formed “meadow” leaving lots of meadow muffins. behind. Like this:

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

Yesterday they just laid down and took a long afternoon nap. We forgot they were there and when Rick went out with the dogs after their meal Hailey took off chasing them. argh! I didn’t see it because I was inside, but from hearing Rick yelling at her I knew something was happening. She chased them out of the woods, across the road and over the hill, then she came back. She thinks she’s a cow dog now and is very pleased with herself.  Here they are at our salt lick (which we have to attract the moose, not cows) yesterday morning.

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

eBay likes it when the cows are here too. She looks out the window frozen into position and her whole body just quivers. I don’t know if she’s quivering with excitement or fear, but it’s amusement anyway. Speaking of eBay, she’s got her nose out of joint because I haven’t shown any photos of her, so here she is doing her favorite thing at the cabin—rolling around in the gravelly dirt in the driveway and taking a dirt bath.

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

We took a drive yesterday over Sand Creek Pass and down to the Laramie River road and on to Woods Landing, taking the extremely long way into Laramie. This stand of aspens were too pretty to pass up without capturing them.

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

One thing that Colorado and Wyoming have over New Jersey it that blue, blue sky that goes on forever. And, of course, signs like this one.

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

And folks, it’s no bull!

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

Uhm, but in this case it was a bull!

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

After errands in Laramie we came home and I made lasagna for dinner. We had neighbors David and Sal over. We took them on our “around” walk before dinner and they were completely amazed at all the trees we have. Bella took a late afternoon dip in the pond. I liked the ripples fanning out from her and the reflection of the tree that goes right through her middle!

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

I have so many photos to share I think I might do another blog entry later today, so stay tuned to the cabin channel!

Oops, almost forgot to include an aspen pic!

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

Monday, September 27, 2010

All’s quiet on the Western front

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey
Our cabin’s driveway arch under a clear blue sky.

A little too quiet. The relentless western sun shines every day. Day in, day out with no hope of rain. Yesterday it was 80 degrees! That’s more like summertime cabin temperatures. I’ve forgotten how strong the sun is in Colorado. We were so hoping for cooler temperatures than what we’ve had and what we can except for the rest of our stay here. The nighttime temperatures drop by over 30 degrees from what the daytime temps were. That’s quite a swing. Here it what the weather forecast in Sunday’s paper said:

Sunday: Another sunny dry day : high 81 /  low 41
Monday: More September sun : high 76 / low 43
Tuesday: No rain on the horizon : high 77 / low 44
Wednesday: Continued dry : high 75 / low 45
Thursday: Staying sunny : high 71 / low 43
Friday: Mostly sunny : high 72 / low 47

See? Even they are bored with the weather! They keep themselves entertained coming up with new ways to describe sunny, hot and dry.

While back home we understand that we had a good storm blow through our little town that toppled trees and took down power lines. Our house fared alright but a neighbor on our street had a tree land on their house. Our weather station at home has not rebooted since the power outage, so we can’t see how much rain we’ve gotten back there. Radar this morning showed a good drenching rain. Boo.

I have also forgotten about dry skin, chapped lips and sinus woes caused by the dry air here. Yikes, I am pruning up! My hair likes it here though even if the rest of my body does not. It comes out perfect every day.

The other night was chilly enough to warrant a fire, which was very nice.

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

Last year we took this old lamp back with us to New Jersey to have the socket refitted because it was broken and the wiring inside the lamp was old and worn out. My dad made this lamp out of a cypress tree stump that he got one of our vacations to Florida (before we moved there). It’s cool and very retro and fits right in with our cabin decor.

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

As another source of cabin lighting we sometimes use this mirrored candle holder.

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

The aspens area changing daily. Some that were in full color when we got here are barren and leafless now.  The grove behind the cabin died a few years ago and new trees have taken their place. When seen together they look pretty interesting: the gnarly old adults next to the up-and-coming youngsters.

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

I’ll have more photos of trees in another blog post that I may post later on today.

We finished a second puzzle the other day. A Springbok puzzle called “Knit Knacks” which pictured all things to do with knitting. I fell in love with the little gingerbread boy in the picture and am now on a hunt to find a similar pattern so I can knit one up for myself. If anyone out there has any suggestions of where to look, please let me know!

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

Here are a couple of photos I took the other day when we had a cloud in the sky!

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

And what would a post be without the obligatory dog shots?

Here is Bella facing down the wind.

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

Alex waiting to be let in on the back porch. Doesn’t he look handsome?

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

Hailey looking cute. (photo by Rick)

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

I know there are a lot of you out there reading even though you are not commenting! You’ve let me know by email, so thanks and keep reading! I’ll have another post up soon!

Friday, September 24, 2010

One week mark

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

We are at the one week mark. It’s hard to believe that we arrived one week ago today. Time has flown by, yet what do we do all day? Right now Rick is working on our second puzzle as I type. It’s very windy outside today and after taking a walk with the dogs this morning we are all not excited about doing it again. I washed out some laundry (mostly underwear) in the sink and it’s on the line blowing in the wind. We are going to try and get by this time without doing laundry in Laramie. We’ll just take our sheets and towels back to New Jersey with us, wash them, and bring them back next year.

Yesterday while on our walk I somehow managed to lose a lens cap from one of my camera lenses. This happens more times than I’d like to admit because I am always switching out lenses. Today we retraced our steps from yesterday’s walk. I figured we’d never find it since our path was over sagebrush covered meadow and deep dark woods. I thought it would most likely be in a place where I had switched lenses to take a photo, but it didn’t show up in any of those places. Just as we reached the deep dark woods portion of our walk I told Rick it wasn’t worth going in because I was certain that was not where I had lost it. At the last minute as I headed up the hill I said “maybe you’d better check just in case.” I went one way with two of the dogs and he went the other.

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

The photo above shows part of our trek. Can you see Rick?

I could not believe it when I met up with Rick and he was holding my lens cap in his hand! He said he found it face up saying “Canon” on the ground in the woods. A small miracle!

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

We have a new bird at our feeder that we’ve never seen before. A pinon jay.

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

He’s an interesting color. Blue, but grayish. He gets along great with the steller jays and they don’t seem to mind him at all. Over the past two days he’s become a permanent fixture in the bird seed tray.

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

Here’s a photo of Bella after our walk.

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

We’re looking forward to dinner tonight: BBQ’d ribs and coleslaw. Could be challenging with the wind but we’ll do it on the screened-in porch.

I have more photos to share from today but I’ll wait until tomorrow to bore you with them.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Sunrise, Sunset and things in-between

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

This was the sight that greeted me this morning upon opening up the curtains. What a beautiful sunrise! It was drizzling rain and overcast when I took this photo, but what color! We were awakened around 3:00 a.m. by rain drumming on the metal roof. Rain! The first we’ve seen since our arrival. Everything is so dry and parched here that the threat of fire remains very high, so it was nice to have some moisture. The cabin was chilly when we got up so I started a fire in the wood stove. Now it’s nice and toasty in here and the clouds are lifting, the sun is shining and it promises to be a lovely day.

Tuesday was our day to go into Laramie to grocery shop. We got a late start, stopping in to get reacquainted with neighbors Larry and Donna, so we didn’t arrive in Laramie until 11:30. This time we skipped the Safeway and did our shopping at the super Walmart and Albertson’s. Safeway is off our list of places to shop after getting bad chicken twice on Monday. First we did chicken wings for lunch and when I took a bite I knew they were off. We had also bought a whole chicken to make Bob’s Oven Fried Chicken with but when we opened the plastic wrap on it it had a definite off smell. The sell by date had not even been reached yet. Disgusting! We ended up eating a can of chili that has been in the cupboard for a couple of years (date still good!) and topped it with cornmeal and baked it in the oven.

Anyway, I am getting off track. We got home around 2:30, so most of the day was pretty much taken up with running around. It was a relief to get “home” and just chill out.

We had visitors in the afternoon. Cows. They seem to like our new little clearing. About seven of them decided it was a nice place to hang out and eat some grass, so they stayed for hours. Stupid cows. We are in open range country here which means if you don’t want the free ranging cattle on your land you have to fence them out. Otherwise they go where they want to. My mom would have thrilled to see them. Me? Not so much. They leave droppings everywhere which the dogs seem to think are pretty tasty. Here you can see two of them. The black one is hiding behind the tree.

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

I also have a correction to make. Our bird is not a Prairie Falcon but a Merlin. And a female or young adult at that. The male has also been around but I haven’t been able to take a photo of him. He is gray instead of brown on the back and very beautiful. She was here again yesterday but we haven’t seen her yet today.

Yesterday we decided to go down the road to Egger’s Pond for our morning walk. It can be a hot walk for the dogs, so we like to do it early in the morning before the sun gets too strong. When we got close to the pond, Bella took off on her own and we could hear splashing. Even though we could not see her we knew where she was. I wish we could have seen her go in for the first time because Egger’s Pond is deeper close to the shore than our pond is. She was completely wet so we know she must have been taken by surprise by the depth. I know I am always posting photos of Water Bella, but I can’t resist. She loves it so much!

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

It’s a nice long walk along the road and by the time we got home she was mostly dry.

This old tree is along the way and is one of my favorite subjects any time of the day.

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

Another favorite tree only this one is on our property along the road. Every year I take a photo of it because I know there will come a day when it blows over. Just over the past year another beautiful dead tree next to it has succumbed to the wind and is no longer standing. It’s so sad when these old friends fall over.

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

Yesterday we just took it easy around the cabin after our walk. It turned out to be a very cloudy day with the threat of rain. Finally a day when that strong western sun wasn’t glaring down on us! We finished a jigsaw puzzle that we were putting together which was quite an accomplishment given how hard it was. Time to start another one!

After dinner we took a drive around Sand Creek Park to see if we could spot any wildlife. We saw nothing. No deer. No elk. No moose. We have not heard any coyotes or owls either since we’ve been here. It seems void of wildlife other than cows but I’m sure we are just missing them. Here is the sun going down on the beaver pond with Bull Mountain in the background, followed by the sunset from last night.

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

And with that I think I’ve come to the end of this blog post. More to come I’m sure!


Welcome, I'm Lynne. You know me better as a 'new' Jersey Girl. But now I've moved once again, this time to North Carolina. Here I write about my thoughts, good food, and of course, dogs.

© 2006-2023 Lynne Robinson All photography and text on this blog is copyright. For use or reproduction please ask me first.

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