Saturday, May 30, 2009

and now for something toad-ally different ...

This morning I saved two toads from drowning. It’s true. I did. I love toads. Last year I didn’t see any. When I went out to skim the pool this morning I found a toad floating face down in the water. Oh no! I thought it was dead but when I touched him with the skimmer he moved, albeit feebly. I fished him out and put him somewhere safe. Here he is.

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

It took him awhile to gather his strength back again, but he finally managed to hop off. I think it’s the same kind of toad that we had the summer before last. The Golden Toad, as I called him.

As I worked my way around the pool I filled my skimmer with caterpillars and lots of spiders. When I got to the opposite side I found another toad, this time a different color. He too was doing the dead man’s float and I thought for sure he was a goner. I scooped him up gently and he moved! Again, I placed him where I thought he was safe from Bella and he too eventually hopped off into the yard.

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

So, two toads saved. Do you think I’m strange for liking (and sometimes kissing) toads?

Oh yes. Did I mention the pool is open? Yesterday was the first day. Bella did not jump in (thank goodness) but did have some cute encounters with it. She is working on her own blog entry to come soon complete with pics and video. It might be open but we won’t be swimming for awhile. The temperature stands at 60 chilly degrees. brrrrrr!!!!! Hopefully we’ll get some sun next week and the solar cover will help to keep in whatever warmth we might get out of it. We’ll be patiently waiting ...

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The rites of summer

Well, okay, it’s not technically summer yet but this weekend we made our preparations as best we could. It was a beautiful weekend weather-wise for doing things in the yard.

We put the screens and curtains up on the poolside cabana, brought out the umbrella and the deck lounges and chairs. (Pool not open yet, but hopefully this week!)

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

I planted some pots.

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

I did a lot of weeding of the back flower beds. In doing so I discovered two very different columbines. At least I think they are a variety of columbine since the leaf is the same. They are both in different flower beds and very far apart. Here is the double one.

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

And this one doesn’t open any more than this but has many layers. Anyone have any ideas? They were not there last year and I certainly didn’t plant them. ? Maybe I pulled them up last year in a fit of zealous weeding but they had dropped seeds the year before?

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

We planted marigolds in the front flower bed. We planted our kitchen herbs in the old dry sink which join the already planted and potted tomatoes on the deck. I am hoping for a great harvest of patio and cherry tomatoes this year.

Last year we didn’t plant tomatoes because we got such a late start with our trip back to Colorado in mid June. This year we decided to stay home for June since it’s such a lovely time of year here and the pool really suffered while we were gone. Plus, we missed some quality pool time, not to mention firefly season! So, this year we’ll do our cabin trip in September instead.

Water dog Bella had fun with her wading pool this weekend too. She is always sticking her feet and head in the water bucket, so we thought she’d enjoy having a bigger water feature.

...testing, testing ....

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

hey, this is fun ...

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

i think there’s a bone in here somewhere ...

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

I have no idea what’s going to happen once the pool is open. I know she’s going to end up in it at least once. Oh boy.

We went to the Warwick farmer’s market and bought fresh baby lettuces, scallions, radishes, bread, cheese, and a mini quiche for our Sunday lunch. Yum. I’m glad the market has started back up again. It’s a summer tradition for us and one that we love.

So, we had a busy weekend but it felt good to get things done. We ended the weekend with one of our favorite meals last night: grilled artichokes and lamb chops “scotta dita” (or burned fingers because they sell them on the streets of Italy and you just hold them by the bone and eat them quick while they are hot!) while listening to the cool vibe of Bossa ‘n Stones, (the Rolling Stones hits done with a bossa nova beat) which we discovered while eating in a restaurant in San Miguel.

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

I hope you all had a great kick-off weekend to the beginning of summer!

Tomorrow I’m taking you back to San Miguel again. I certainly hope you’re not getting bored with your armchair vacation ...

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Favorites from San Miguel

Some photos just need to stand on their own. This is one.

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

Friday, May 15, 2009

The streets of San Miguel: Part 2

After a few days you can feel the bold colors of Mexico seeping into your soul, filling you with its warmth.
Red, ochre, orange, blue.

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey


Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey


Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey


Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey


Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey


Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

Thursday, May 14, 2009

The streets of San Miguel: Part 1

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

How does one go about describing the streets of San Miguel?

bumpy to downright jarring
up and downhill inclines

One thing I can say is that I am not quite ready to take up the challenge of driving them myself. Walking, yes. Driving, no. My mother-in-law is pretty darn good at navigating the narrow, crowded streets, but even she has a scratched up side mirror from some encounter she can’t quite remember.

Traffic flows smoothly even though there are no traffics lights to control traffic. Instead traffic is slowed by large speed bumps, called topes, which could rip the underside of your car off if you go over them too fast. Another unique thing is the “every other” rule. If a car is waiting to gain entry to a busy street from a side street, the traffic in either direction will stop and let them out. The next person is not obligated to stop to let someone out, but the following person will be. All very civilized. Just remember that the rule applies to you as well and some people might get a bit testy if you don’t let them out on their turn. Especially taxis.

Ah, the taxis. Cheap and easy transportation throughout the city in a green and white vehicle. Twenty pesos (about $1.50) will buy you a taxi ride to almost anywhere within the older city. A bargain for sure since parking can be hard to come by.

Here are a few street scenes.

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey


Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey


Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey


Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey


Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

To be continued ...


Welcome, I'm Lynne. You know me better as a 'new' Jersey Girl. But now I've moved once again, this time to North Carolina. Here I write about my thoughts, good food, and of course, dogs.

© 2006-2023 Lynne Robinson All photography and text on this blog is copyright. For use or reproduction please ask me first.

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