Tuesday, May 12, 2009

“Don’t go!”

That’s what everybody said when we told them we were going to Mexico. I’m so glad we didn’t listen. Many other people did however change their travel plans due to the swine flu. Our flight from Newark to Houston was on a huge Boeing 777 aircraft (marvelous plane!!) that was not even half full. So many empty seats! Our flight from Houston to Leon/Guanajuato normally held 35 people and we had 15 on board.

When we got to San Miguel the local people were not wearing masks and you would never know there was a threat of contracting the flu. A few places were closed, like the library, but otherwise all the restaurants and shops were open. They tell us that May is normally their slowest month (and hottest) and many businesses close anyway and it was the Mexican equivalent of Labor Day while we were there. Wait staff in the restaurants sometimes greeted customers at the door with hand sanitizer and took orders with masked faces. By mid-week the face masks had been abandoned completely although the odd person here or there might still be wearing one. I saw one gentlemen on our last day that had a white mask on with a drawn-on large mustache and a mouth, suggesting that this is what he looked like under his mask.

Many people had a sense of humor about the whole thing like the book store:

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

Coming home we did have to go through a little medical check at the airport. We had to fill out a form and answer questions such as if we had had a fever, been on a farm, etc. We had to stand in a certain spot as an infrared camera took our temperature. No big deal.

I am so glad we went. We would have missed out on a wonderful vacation and that would have been a shame indeed. And all because of a pig ...

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Back home again

We’re home. We arrived in the wee hours of the morning yesterday, and all travel plans went without a hitch. We had a wonderful time on our visit to San Miguel and can certainly understand why so many people fall captive to its spell. I have many photos to share so I hope you won’t be bored.

I’ve had a hard time getting my New Jersey “legs” back again and maybe that’s why it happened. After successfully walking over rocky cobblestone streets and the ups and downs of the stone sidewalks, I came home only to fall pretty much flat on my face in the middle of the road while taking the dogs for a walk last night. I should know better. I didn’t have the right kind of shoes on, I was running with Bella on a flexi lead and she saw a squirrel. She took off and I let go as soon as I realized what was happening, but it was too late to save myself. I tore up my lip pretty good, banged my nose, chipped a tooth, and have multiple abrasions and bruises. ugh. I look pretty ugly right now with a swollen lip, etc. I am so lucky though, it could have been much worse. So, not exactly a pretty sight right now. I’m still not sure exactly how I managed to make such a mess of my lip and upper lip without breaking my nose ...

Welcome home, Lynne.
Much more to come (but only photos I hope and no more falls.)

Friday, May 01, 2009

Down Mexico Way

Why is it that I could not pick up my embroidery without humming that song that Willie Nelson sang ...

South of the border down Mexico way
That’s where I fell in love when stars above came out to play
Now as I wander my thoughts ever stray
South of the border down Mexico way

Gee, maybe it was because this was the name of the pattern for them! The tea towels are finished! Here is the last one.

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

And as requested by a reader, all three tea towels together. I’m not sure which one is my favorite. Maybe the last one with the guitar.

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

My hands feel idle now. I certainly enjoyed doing them and now can’t wait to get started on some towels of my own, but that will have to wait until our return. I hope Rick’s mom likes them! I have a feeling she won’t use them, but if she just gets enjoyment out of looking at them hanging on a hook that will be enough for me.

On the Mexican vacation front ...
We talked to Rick’s mom last night as she wanted to see what we were thinking in regard to our trip to visit with all the swine flu hype. She told us that there are no reported cases in the entire state of Guanajuato in which San Miguel lies. We are not flying into Mexico City (thank goodness!) but into a smaller, closer airport. Schools are closed there but life is going on as usual with added care taken to sanitize hands. She told us to bring plenty of wipes since they are no longer to be found there.

We are armed with Tamiflu pills, immune boosters from the health food store, masks, hand sanitizing products and our own good health. In a way I feel like I’m in one of those science fiction end-of-the-world-style movies with my arsenal of “stay healthy” products.  I’m sure we’ll be fine. Please don’t worry about us!

Things may be a bit more quiet in San Miguel than normal but we have been assured both by Rick’s mom and his cousin that a good time is still to be had. So, we are going. I get very strange looks from people when I tell them we are headed off to Mexico. Incredulous looks. Are you sitting there reading this and shaking your head in agreement with all those people too?

I don’t think I’ll be blogging at all while down there. Our only internet access will be from Rick’s cousin’s house and we might go once or twice to check our email but not sure how much time I will have to post anything. I will try to at least post a photo with a quick update.

The kids here at home will be looked after by our dear friend Carolyn who is going to house-sit for us. I’m sure she’ll have them better trained in no time. Either that or they will train her just as they have trained us over the years to bend to their every whim. I feel great going on vacation knowing she is in charge.

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey
eBay reading the San Miguel guidebook

Now I just have to decide which clothes to pack ...

Thursday, April 30, 2009

First mow

This morning Johnny had his first mowing session and he was raring to go. I think he enjoyed having his old mowing deck back on again after wearing his heavy winter garb—the snowblower. Kind of like trading boots for sandals. It seems a bit early for the first mow of the season, but it really did need to be done. With the prospect of rainy days ahead for the next couple of days before we leave, I was anxious to get it done.

The birds were singing (the wood thrush is back with its wonderful song!) and the air was cool and fresh. The smell of onions permeated the air as Johnny’s blades lopped their tops off. The trees looked so pretty in their “new green” leafiness. Round and round all the trees and obstacles, up and down all the slopes and inclines. I did notice a flower-like plant in several spots in the back yard and even more of them in the front. Unfortunately I ran over one before I realized it might not just be a weed. I took more care in the front and tried my best to mow around them. I’ll be watching for them to bloom to see what they are. They looked like something my neighbor Aileen had coming up in her yard—some kind of wood lily something-or-other.

Before I knew it the back yard was finished and then, just as easily, the front. Good boy Johnny!

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Fast forward

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

With the extremely warm temperatures we’ve had over the past several days (89 on Saturday, 90 on Sunday and 89 on Monday) the trees and bushes are on fast forward. If you blink you might miss the further unfurling of a leaf.  On Friday there was just the tiniest bit of green fuzziness appearing and now it’s an explosion! Last night I could still see through the trees and into the back woods, but this morning the leaves are out so much that it’s not possible. They’ve doubled overnight.  It’s a little early for them to be so advanced but it’s kind of nice. They say we have one more day of this unseasonably warm weather and then we go back to more normal temps in the 60’s. I’ll be glad for that. I don’t need summer heat in spring! Photo above taken yesterday; photo below taken this morning.

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

The forsythia is still in full bloom but soon its leaves will take over the flowers.

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

I’ve got a new lens that I am fooling around with, a Lensbaby. It’s an odd little lens that allows you to blur objects by tilting the lens around and have one spot that it’s in focus. The photos above were taken with it. I still need lots of practice but I’m semi-happy with some of the results.

While the trees are on fast forward, there are still some things that take their time. The ferns are taking it slowly. See all the little fronds waiting to unfold?

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

The Lensbaby also came with a set of two macro lenses. You know me, I am a macro girl! It creates some other-wordly looking results.

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

I’ll be interested to hear what you think of the Lensbaby results.

The dogs aren’t too happy about the weather either. They can’t go with me anymore in the car when I go on errands. That’s their favorite thing to do. Hopefully today will be the last day of that and we can enjoy some lovely spring weather along with our newly green trees.

P.S. In case you are wondering, our trip to Mexico is still on at this point. We are waiting to see what happens in the next few days with the swine flu, but unless they cancel all travel to Mexico we will still go!


Welcome, I'm Lynne. You know me better as a 'new' Jersey Girl. But now I've moved once again, this time to North Carolina. Here I write about my thoughts, good food, and of course, dogs.

© 2006-2023 Lynne Robinson All photography and text on this blog is copyright. For use or reproduction please ask me first.

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