Sunday, May 23, 2010

Of fireflies and frogs

While Rick was in Tiananmen Square in Beijing watching a somewhat “friendly” protest, I was in my backyard viewing the first firefly sighting of the season. Just a few faint ones, but still, there they were. The frogs were also busy singing tonight around dusk. The low pitched altos and the baby sopranos gave a lovely concert. I have never lived anywhere else that I can have both fireflies and frog song. I can’t begin to tell you how happy they both make me. Plus, there was also a bat swooping around eating insects. Granted, there was only one where we used to have at least six or seven, but due to some kind of mold (which I can’t remember what it was exactly) our bat population has died off over the past several years. I hope they are making a comeback.

Speaking of coming back, I will be glad when my husband is home once again!

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey
Mt. Fuji through the haze as seen by Rick two days ago. Photo by Rick.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

A double dose of cuteness

My next-door neighbor’s sheep gave birth to these adorable twin lambs on Thursday. Yesterday we went over to see them.

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

It’s all about black and white! I just love their markings! They seem to be a reverse of each other; both ewes.

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

Their mother is part Jacob and they bred her to a full Jacob ram.

Too cute! Right now their back legs are too long and have way too much power for their little bodies. It was fun to see them sprint around trying to control all that spring.

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

I love the white topknots. They look like little wigs placed on top of their heads!

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

A kiss for mom!

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

I got to hold this one. She snuffled my nose and let out a tiny baaaaaaa right in my face. She was so sweet to hold. I was amazed how tightly the hair was curled on her body. The little whorls of wool felt like tiny french knots.

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

Her other sheep, which is a sister to this one, has yet to lamb. It will be fun to see what her babies look like since they were bred to the same ram. They are afraid she might be having triplets since she is so large. You can be sure I’ll be paying a visit next door once the second big event happens.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Down the woodchuck hole

Taking Bella out on a leash in the back yard can be either an enjoyable experience or a painful one. Enjoyable because we get one-on-one time together and it’s interesting to see see her favorite places in the yard first hand. Painful because once in a while she’ll just take off without warning and fly to the end of the leash, causing a painful, abrupt jerk of the arm. Also painful on forays into the woodsy part of the yard. In and out of trees with small branches poking into my arms and face. I’ve learned one thing for sure: she does not travel in a straight line.

And, now that she’s feeling her old feisty self again she has taken to trying to chew the leash in half so she can be free, all the while bouncing up and down like a kangaroo. This is new, and trust me, not an endearing little act but it is funny. I try not to let her see me laugh.

Of course, her most favorite spot in the entire yard is the woodchuck hole under the side deck. It looks harmless enough, right?

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

Just room enough to stick a dog’s head into, but certainly nothing else?

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

Okay. On Sunday we were outside raking and blowing the last of the leaves. Bella was inside, staring out at me through the sliding glass door. Her eyes said mommy please please please let me outside with you. i am so bored and i promise to be good. I fell for it thinking she would just come out and hang out with us. If she got too rowdy I would just put her back inside. I let her out and the glee in her expression said it all. i’m free! i’m free! I went back to my raking, keeping an eye on her. She seemed to be doing just fine up on the side deck sniffing around.

A few minutes later I look up to check on her whereabouts and ... she’s gone! I quickly scan the yard, the woods. Nowhere in sight. I panic. I call out BELLA! Nothing. I look back up to where I last saw her and know she couldn’t have gone very far in the few minutes I had looked away. The side deck. The woodchuck hole. A sinking feeling started to take over me. No. No, she couldn’t. Could she? She wouldn’t have gone under the deck into the hole. Would she? I knew in my gut that that was exactly where I would find her. I threw down the rake and ran to the deck. BELLA! I called. Nothing. Closer and closer I got, calling—now screaming—her name in panic. Honestly, the worst thing a dog with stitches in their belly should be doing is crawling into a hole! I was having visions going through my head of Rick having to tear up the boards to get her out, her thrashing around panicking. I mean, I didn’t know how far she could go under there. I was almost to the hole, waves of guilt and fear washing over me, when out popped her head, then the rest of her body.

There she stood. Muddy and dirty, leaves sticking to her coat, with a big grin on her face. hey mom. guess where i was? I was ready to kill her and feeling (very very) guilty at this point, imagining that she possibly had torn something up inside. I grabbed her collar and promptly marched her back into the house. I kept a close eye on her for the rest of the day for any signs of distress, but she appeared to be no worse the wear from the “hole” experience.  Well. So much for letting her off leash until the stitches come out and the vet gives the all-ok for normal exercise.

When I laid on my stomach on the deck and hung over the edge of the hole to try and get a photo of how much room there really was under there, this is what I got.

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

So, it doesn’t look like she could really go very far. Still.

As for the woodchuck hole, we’ve added a few impediments to the entrance in the form of big chunks of logs. Now only the head can get in.

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

awww mom. you’ve spoiled all my fun!

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

Get over it Bella!

And folks, don’t forget to sign up for my special Christmas yarn giveaway! The drawing will take place on Friday! Don’t miss out!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

In the Jungle

Not much going on around here lately. We spent a quiet weekend doing mostly chores. Saturday we finished stacking the two cords of wood, so now we’re ready for colder weather. Our weather over the weekend, however, was balmy and sunny—and mid 60’s! Now, I ask you Mother Nature, why couldn’t you have given us this weather earlier on so the trees would have been happier? Speaking of the trees, that’s another time consuming chore. I ran Johnny over the yard again to mulch the final leaves that had fallen and Rick did leaf blowing duty in various spots. The big oak in the back yard still has leaves, so I’ll wait until they drop to go over the back yard once more and then it will be time for us to change out the mowing deck for the snow blower.

We did take time out on Sunday morning to take the dogs for a walk on the old Jungle Habitat grounds. Not much remains of the old enclosures except some fencing and tall, heavy wrought steel gates. Some of them look like they used to keep T-Rexes and velociraptors captive. You just have to use your imagination. But in reality, where lions, tigers, and elephants used to roam there are now only squirrels, chipmunks, deer and bear, bicyclists and dog walkers. The dogs love it because they can be off-lead, meet other dogs and people. On this walk we didn’t see any other dogs.

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

I hadn’t realized there was so much bittersweet growing here! It covered the trees. Next time I come I’m bringing my garden clipper so I can take some home with me! I know it’s parasitic but it’s so pretty.

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

And talking about parasitic ... the vines here are pretty creepy. They take over the trees.

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

This one looks like it created a loop to catch someone or something in.

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

The bark of some kind of birch tree glowing silvery-gold in the sun.

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

A watering hole along the way is always a good thing Bella says.

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

The moon looks like it’s being embraced by the tree branches, don’t you think?

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

We do a loop of about a mile and a half. It’s a nice walk along the abandoned road system with some short climbs. The dogs were pooped when we got home and slept while Rick and I did the outside chores. A very full weekend of just “stuff.”

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

Saturday, October 03, 2009

Sounds of the neighborhood and other musings

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

It’s been gray/rainy/foggy and cool this week. Typically fall. Our mushroom foray that was rescheduled for today was put on hold for yet another week. It would seem the mushrooms are reluctant to make an appearance. So instead we visited Bed, Bath & Beyond and bought new bed pillows, sheets, and towels. The washer and dryer are working overtime getting them all ready for use. Well, not the pillows of course. (Did I mention the dryer is fixed? Well, mostly. It still needs a new belt which will be installed on Monday, but at least it’s usable.)

I just now stepped out on my deck because I heard the Carolina Wren singing its sweet song. It actually prompted me to write this entry. Such a cool bird to have around and it has so many different tunes it can sing! My neighbor’s rooster was crowing too, and every once in a while the sheep chime in with their cute baaaa…baaaa…baaaa‘s. My neighbor told me that they will be bred this fall so we’ll have more sheepy noises to come. I told her we’d love to have some milk to make cheese from but I don’t know if that will happen or not. It’s complicated. There will be wool though from the shearing. (Not that I would know what to do with it!)

There is also the very loud thwack! sound of acorns (or maybe it’s the other large nut-like things that have been falling this year) hitting the deck of my neighbors across the street. The rustling of tree leaves and limbs can also be heard as the squirrels busily run to and fro with their nutty booty.

Even though the trees are not showing much color as yet, fall has arrived. And maybe, just maybe, I’m out of my blut.


Welcome, I'm Lynne. You know me better as a 'new' Jersey Girl. But now I've moved once again, this time to North Carolina. Here I write about my thoughts, good food, and of course, dogs.

© 2006-2023 Lynne Robinson All photography and text on this blog is copyright. For use or reproduction please ask me first.

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