Saturday, March 02, 2013


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Yesterday I awoke to a blue sky! Hurrah! I quickly planned to shower and head out with the camera back to Long Pond Ironworks so I could re-do some of the snaps I took the other day that I was  not happy with. When I got out of the shower, what I had thought to be blue sky earlier in the morning turned out to be nothing more than a big blueish cloud and now the whole sky was overcast. More overcast than the day before. To add insult to injury it also started spitting snow! The nerve! I disgruntledly cast aside my little photography jaunt and took the dogs for a short ride in the truck instead.

(photo: Old Church door through the railing: Long Pond Ironworks)

Thursday, February 28, 2013


I am branching out here and have joined the Rurality Blog Hop with my photo: Abandoned


Taken today at Long Pond Ironworks, Hewitt, New Jersey.



Monday, January 07, 2013

The Future of this Blog in 2013

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Taken in the realm of the Thorn Queen last week on our walk.

I’ve been giving a lot of thought to my blog lately. It seems like the new year is just screaming out for something different. It’s time to change things up a bit.

The blog has looked the same way for years now and I’m getting tired of looking at all that white and that dark green. So, first up is a revamp of how the blog looks. Rick and I diligently worked on bits and pieces of that this past weekend to varying degrees of success. Right now you might notice a slight difference in the gray background.

My blog is on our own domain, not a blogging site, so everything has to be programmed in by code instead of just going in and picking what I want as a background, font style, colors, etc. It’s not easy trying to pick colors from a color picker on line. I must have tried a zillion and none were what I wanted. I have this vision in my head that’s having trouble getting out. I want a nice café au lait color: the exact color of our downstairs bathroom! Easier said than done. Some have too much yellow; others too much red that turns the brown rosy. No! Still working on that.

The header will change completely too. In fact, the whole look of the blog will change so don’t be surprised one day to visit and it’s completely different! Just wanted to warn you that it’s in the works.

Maybe the biggest change of all is that I have decided to try going public again and open the blog up. No more membership! I will still have comment moderation on since we get so many spam comments (again, because we don’t have the same filters as the blog sites) and one of the reasons why I went private in the first place. I just got tired of deleting all those crap comments. But I think it’s time to get over that, don’t you? I will try and email all the current members to let them know in case they don’t read the blog much and might miss this post. After all, blogs are for sharing, not hoarding.

Another thing I’ve been mulling around in my head is an additional blog, one dedicated only to photography with no words. Years ago I followed a blog where two people thousands of miles apart each posted a photograph of something in their day, or they had the same subject (say a landscape, a bird, a personal object) but each from their own point of view depending on where they lived. Maybe only one photo per week instead of one per day which would be pretty challenging! Trouble is, I don’t have a partner! It’s just a thought and it might be fun. I know I loved following that blog. I don’t remember the name of it now but I think they stopped after a year anyway. Contact me personally if you might be interested.

My blog will also have a new feature where once a week I highlight a photo taken with my Lytro camera. Lytro Shot of the Week or something like that. I’m having way too much fun with it and I want those shots to stand alone and not be included in a normal blog post. I can see lots of opportunities for macro shots once winter is over.

So, there you have it! I hope to unveil the new look soon. There’s still some work to be done and it might take a few trys to get it right, so I hope you’ll bear with me through it all.

Wednesday, January 02, 2013

Snow Fence

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Early morning shadows from our fence make a true “Snow” Fence.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Christmas Summed Up and My Lytro Camera

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Alex waiting patiently Christmas morning to open packages.

We had a good Christmas. How about you?

It snowed about an inch on Christmas Eve. It was so pretty coming down. We turned on the outside light around 8:00 p.m. and just sat in the sun room with a cup of homemade egg nog (yes, I used raw eggs) and watched it snow. Perfection! When we got up Christmas morning and opened the curtains to that covering of white it was picture perfect. The snow mostly melted during the day when it warmed up to the high 30’s.

We had a small Christmas (meaning not many gifts) but the gifts we did get and receive were not as small. I thought it was pretty funny that both Rick and I gave each other a kind of camera! I gave him a time-lapse camera because he spends his days around cameras that do the opposite (high-speed slow motion) and I thought he needed to slow down a bit.

He gave me a Lytro camera, which I had never heard of before. It’s just a tiny little thing that can be easily popped into a pocket and taken along. It takes “living” pictures. I’ll be featuring them in my blog from now on in combination with normal photos. For the Lytro pics you can click on various spots of the photo and it will come in to focus as other parts go out of focus. I have added a perspective feature to most of them which makes the photo look 3D (depending on how deep my depth of field was in that particular photo) and you can click and drag to explore the photo a bit more. Try it with this photo I took of Hailey in the foreground and Bella in the distance.


See how her head pops out of the photo? Cool, eh?

So, how does the magic happen? I’m not too up on the technical bits but here is a brief explanation from Rick.
“Called a “light field” camera or “plenoptic camera”. A digital camera that acquires images in a whole new way, then uses complex computations to render the photos. Each pixel you see in the photo is actually imaged by many different pixels with different focal distances. All this data is later used to computationally render the photo.” Hmm … clear as mud, right? All you really need to focus on (Hah, pun, get it?) it that it takes cool photos.

Here are a couple more.




We spent the day playing with our new toys, taking the dogs for a walk and cooking our Christmas meal of Duck in orange sauce, two-potato gratin and roasted brussels sprouts with homemade profiteroles for dessert.

Yesterday we ventured out of the house and into town for a few things, then took the dogs down the road to Green Turtle Pond for an off-leash run. Brrr it was cold—below freezing! Just like littlel kids, the dogs had to step on every frozen puddle and break the ice. It was a game to them.

Then yesterday afternoon it snowed again, as predicted, while we watched the movie “Inception.” I may never think the same way about my dreams again! We got about four to four and a half inches of nice snow before it turned to freezing rain, then rain. I took these two shots just as it was turning to freezing rain. The trees were coated in what looked like white cotton candy and looked very strange. I hope you appreciate these photos because I went out in my slippers and bathrobe to take them! You can see my footprints in the snow on the steps for depth.

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They say we are getting more snow on Saturday. I guess winter has arrived in New Jersey!


Welcome, I'm Lynne. You know me better as a 'new' Jersey Girl. But now I've moved once again, this time to North Carolina. Here I write about my thoughts, good food, and of course, dogs.

© 2006-2023 Lynne Robinson All photography and text on this blog is copyright. For use or reproduction please ask me first.

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  • C, no I did not know you played the organ, let along playing one in…

    Posted to: ‘I Could Have Been A ...’ by Lynne on 11/17/2023

  • Big sis, but so not fair that I got stuck with the organ! :( Please,…

    Posted to: ‘I Could Have Been A ...’ by Lynne on 11/17/2023

  • Interesting! I never wanted to take ballet lessons even though we had a book about…

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  • Yup! Sadly, no ballet for us. My theory is that Mom probably thought since I…

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  • I can absolutely see you wallowing in that chair, the color is so warm and…

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