Sunday, December 26, 2010

Another cruel joke? and Christmas photos

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

Huh? From “this storm is going to pass us by” to BLIZZARD? I’ll believe it when I see it with my own eyes! Just in case I guess I’d better charge up the battery on my camera, don’t you think?

But while we wait for the the “blizzard” to begin I am going to share some photos of the kids and their Christmas. I hope Rick will put together a video of them like he did last year.

First, here’s a photo of our living room.

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

On Christmas eve we brought out the new dog bed we really bought solely for Bella so she would not sleep stretched out between us at night. Bella did not get in it but it was a busy bed nonetheless. Alex was the first one to claim it.

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

Then eBay.

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

Then Sam joined eBay and it became a cat bed instead of a dog bed. (Sorry for the bad photo.)

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

Alex grew tired of waiting up for Santa to arrive.

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

He was glad when morning came and he could take over his job of being “chief package opener.” Bella did a pretty good job this year too. I frankly thinks she just likes ripping the paper off.

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

Here is Bella with her snowman that plays “We wish you a Merry Christmas.” Gee thanks Auntie Linda and Uncle Phil. With this toy began a new Christmas tradition with “Auntie Linda and Uncle Phil” of who can find the most obnoxious dog toy.

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

Alex opened his buffalo bone that we bought the dogs when we were in Laramie. Yummy!

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

Hailey got one too, of course, but she doesn’t do opening.

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

The cats got very drunk on their catnip pillows.

eBay becomes a nasty drunk and goes a bit crazy.

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

While Sam just chills out and becomes very mellow. I think he pretty much slept all day.

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

Bella and Alex chew on their bones together. They are really good buddies.

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

We hope you had a great day! I’ll keep you posted on the snow report.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas sunrise

We may not have snow, but look at our glorious sunrise this morning!

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

Merry Christmas everyone! Hope your day is just wonderful!

P.S. We might just be expecting our first significant snowfall tomorrow! And with a sky like that, well you know the old saying: ““Red sky at night, sailor’s delight. Red sky in morning, sailor’s warning.”

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Counting down to Christmas

Last night we woke ourselves at 3:00 a.m. to view the lunar eclipse. We felt we had to. After all, it rarely occurs with the winter solstice. The last time it did was 1638. It was eerie. I stood there in my bathrobe with my dog-walking-jacket over it and paid homage to its rare reddish color. I tried to take a photo, but of course—no tripod! It was cold and windy, but very clear with lots of stars twinkling. I didn’t stay out long. This is my best effort at trying to capture it.

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

And, as predicted, the snow is gone from our Christmas forecast. They are saying it might snow the day after, but that’s still a pretty big “if.” It used to drive me crazy if it didn’t snow by Christmas so that there was at least some on the ground, but I think I am finally growing out of that childhood stage. It would sure be nice but it’s not going to happen. After all, Christmas is all about what’s in your heart and not on the ground!

We’ll be alone this Christmas. My sister and her husband are staying home and entertaining his side of the family, while our friend Carolyn is heading to the great Northwest to meet up with her family. I didn’t do a great deal of decorating this year, but enough. The Santa collection stayed in their boxes this year as did the little German village. I’ve been feeling the need to edit and simplify things. With our new landscaping out front we changed up our lighting strategy and used the net lights on the little trees that used to be stretched across the burning bush hedge (which has now moved) and they worked like a charm. I plug in the lighted garlands hung around the doorways inside the house every morning now. Have to get that Christmas spirit UP!

Our Sunday was spent by attending two different open houses on our street. The first was over at neighbor Kim’s and the second was all the way down the street with the folks who run our block party. And, darn it, I missed Fire Truck Santa again this year! We must have been over at Kim’s when he passed by. Why can’t I seem to catch him so I can photograph this silly event? Santa strapped to the bumper of a fire truck is a sight you don’t forget. I would gladly give them a donation for the chance to have my photo taken with him!

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey
Our Christmas tree reflected in my wine glass.

Yesterday marked the last day (finally!) of pottery class. I’ve been trying to get back and glaze my piece for several weeks now but it hadn’t been fired yet. So yesterday was glazing day. She was going to fire last night so I am thinking of going back this afternoon to pick it up. Again, I have kind of an idea what the glaze is going to look like (it’s called Cappuccino Mint) but I did something different on the button and not sure how that’s going to look. Kind of like I was not sure what the inside of the previous bowl would look like and look how well that turned out! If I hate it I’ll just stick it away in a closet somewhere where I don’t have to look at it.

Also yesterday the dogs went to the groomers. They always come home smelling so wonderful and feeling so soft and fluffy. I try to appreciate it fully because it doesn’t last long. Alex is just like Pig Pen in the Charlie Brown comics and dirt seems to follow him everywhere he goes. Hailey usually stays pretty clean because she’s kind of a prissy girl, taking right after her father who was a pretty prissy boy. Now Bella is not a girly-girl at all. Look what the groomer put in her hair! We don’t expect it to last long.

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey
Mom! Get this thing off my head!

So far this morning it’s still on. Now if that bow was on Hailey’s head instead Bella surely would have chewed it off by now!

Today will find me mostly staying home. I need to make cookies and wrap Rick’s presents. Mine are already under the tree and Sam has even opened one! Cats cannot resist paper, at least Sam can’t.  He looks pretty angelic though, doesn’t he? He’s not! I’m sure I’ll have his help wrapping.

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

We haven’t seen any bears for a long time. After the bear hunt I am sure they are all trying to lay low. We have plenty of birds: blue jays, titmice, white-breasted nuthatches, downy woodpeckers, chickadees, juncos (2 varieties), carolina wrens, cardinals and the red-bellied woodpeckers visits once in a while. I’ve seen quite a few deer crossing the road but they just don’t seem to like our yard. We have plenty of these little rodents though:

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

Yes, they are cute but we have so many. And they are so very greedy! Bella gets lots of exercise chasing them off the deck and down into the yard.

Well, that’s about it for today. Tomorrow I will hopefully have a photo or two of the latest (and last) pottery piece to show you. Until then, I toast you with some Christmas cheer!

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

Friday, December 17, 2010

Unpredictable predictions

I check the two on line weather sites, Accu-Weather and Weather Underground religiously. It seems that every day they adjust their predictions. There is a storm coming in this weekend but no one seems to know where it will hit and how much. Unfortunately they are saying it’s more of a coastal storm, which means we won’t get anything where we live. But just because they are predicting that it doesn’t mean it will happen.

Today when I checked Accu-Weather’s long range predictions I realized that they must be playing a joke on me. Take a look:

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

It has to be a joke. We’ve not had any measurable snow yet this year and I can’t remember the last time I actually saw it snow on Christmas. I’m not getting excited ... yet. I know that when I check tomorrow they will have changed their minds and snow will be out of the forecast. Still, one can only hope!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

From rain to deep freeze

We had a little bit of snow overnight. Not much, just enough to cover the surface of everything—more of a what they call a “nuisance snow.” Meaning it’s not enough to really snow blow or plow.

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

I took the shovel, put on my “whewe is that wascaly wabbit”*** hat and scraped it mostly clean of snow. Of course, our tire tracks where we drove in and out taking Rick to the train (he’s in the city today) are frozen in place and won’t come up. It’s 18 degrees out there at 10:30 a.m.  It’s not supposed to be above freezing until maybe Friday and with the wind blowing the wind chills are well into the teens.

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

It’s nice to have a little of the white stuff finally. I needed to run a few errands today and took my camera with me because I noticed on the way home from the train station that Monksville Reservoir was looking very cool. Literally! Icing over with spots of new snow. I parked and walked along the road to get these shots. God it was cold! Brrrrrrr.

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

As an added benefit of getting out and walking I came across these three swans resting on the ice.

Robinson's, Hewitt, New Jersey

Here’s a closer look. Too bad I didn’t have the telephoto lens with me.

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

I was intrigued by the swirls and patterns of the half frozen surface.

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

The surface of the water wasn’t the only thing that was half frozen. The other thing would be me! As I was standing there taking these photos a big gust of frigid wind came along and lifted my hat right off my head! I watched as it rolled and tumbled across the road, only to disappear from view as it went down the slope to the other side of the reservoir. My head was really cold now! I waited for the traffic to clear then dashed across the road and scrambled over the guard rail. I found my hat no worse for the wear lying in the weeds. At least it didn’t keep tumbling until it reached the water’s edge! I dusted off the snow and wasted no time in putting it back on my now freezing head.

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

When I got back to the car I realized I didn’t have my lens cap so I retraced my steps to where I thought I might have lost it. I didn’t find it. I’m bummed. I am forever losing or misplacing lens caps. I need to buy a dozen or so! But I just now realized as I was typing this that I only retraced my steps to where the swans where and not to where I picked up my hat. Maybe I’ll have to go back and see it I can find it there! (but not today! I think I’ll wait for the warm-up at week’s end.)

I took another detour on the way home along East Shore road where I knew I could take a few photos of the weeping rocks. All the rock faces here in New Jersey “weep.” There is so much ground moisture here. The weeping rocks freeze into falls of icicles.

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

Am I making you cold yet? After all this silly outdoor photography without gloves on I was ready to come home and stoke up the fire in the wood stove! No more outside business for me today. I am going to get some knitting done right after I finish this entry: by the fire!

****What? you don’t know what I meant by a “whewe is that wascally wabbit” hat?  Why an Elmer Fudd hat of course!

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

It’s my go-to hat for dog walking, shoveling and at-home activities. I change hats when going out somewhere. It is a Calvin Klein though if you think that makes if a tad more fashionable!


Welcome, I'm Lynne. You know me better as a 'new' Jersey Girl. But now I've moved once again, this time to North Carolina. Here I write about my thoughts, good food, and of course, dogs.

© 2006-2023 Lynne Robinson All photography and text on this blog is copyright. For use or reproduction please ask me first.

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