Thursday, March 15, 2007

A rude awakening

4:00 a.m. I was stirred out of a sound sleep by something ... a noise. A low rumble? My sleep-fogged brain struggled to make a connection. Thunder? I reluctantly peeled one eye open to a slit and was rewarded with a brilliant flash of light. Uh oh. I counted: one-one thousand, two-two thousand, three-three thousand before a huge crash of thunder shook the house. Rick jolted awake and the dogs started barking all at once. The dogs hate thunderstorms. They decided that on the bed with us was the right place to be. Thankfully we only had to endure a few more claps of thunder before the little storm went on its way to rudely awaken other households.

Just another reminder that Spring is here. Yesterday we still had a patch of icy, snowy sludge on the pool’s cover; this morning it’s gone. We still have a few patches of snow hanging in there after last night’s rain. I haven’t seen any spring bulbs bursting through the ground, but frankly I’m not sure we have any in our yard. No, the outward signs of Spring are still not quite here but you can feel it in the air. It’s palpable. Yesterday it was 78 degrees! I took my new camera for a walk down to Green Turtle Pond. It’s still frozen but you can see the thaw coming by the color of the ice.

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

Ah, Spring!

But wait—what did my wondering eyes see this morning when I checked the weather forecast—a winter storm watch? Chance of snow and sleet tonight (90%),  and tomorrow a near to 100% chance of snow with 2-4 inches of the white stuff? Huh? Reading further reveals that Friday night there will be “additional heavy accumulation with 15 mph winds and gusts up to 25 mph?” Check the calendar, quick; is it April 1st? Surely they jest.

March is very capricious this year!


Crazy, crazy weather!  I guess I shouldn’t whine about mine so much.  Although we are just back to rain and my daffadils are nearly ready to bloom…

Your baby takes great photos…are you loving it?

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