Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Adding insult to injury

Or should I say adding ice to snow? Yesterday morning we woke up to about 3 inches of snow or maybe a little bit more. While Rick was out snowblowing it turned to ice pellets. Those sting! Before long, just as predicted, we had freezing rain.

I had waited a few hours before shoveling the front steps and a pathway on the deck for the dogs and I’m sure glad I didn’t wait any longer. Trying to move that snow with a good crusting of ice on it was no fun. Plus, the snow had turned pretty slushy by then.

Everything was encased in a coating of ice. Even our clothesline. This poor goldfinch in his winter plumage looks miserable, don’t you think?

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

It was not a day for being outside. It kept it up all day long. The snow melted some but it only got above freezing for a short while. I could not really get out to take photos without getting me or the camera wet, so I shot a few photos from the safety of the overhang of the roof.

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

In this one I think it looks like a tiny ice sculpture of a bird (on the left). See it?

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

Can anyone tell me why snow accumulates whereas ice accretes? At least that’s how they call on the weather report. Interesting ...

This morning I went outside to take a few ice shots before it all went away. It’s above freezing out there now (only just) and as I went outside I could hear the ice melting and dripping like rain everywhere.

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

Now on top of this fine mess we are supposed to get more snow Thursday night into Friday. Not a lot as I understand it, probably only about four inches or so. Still, it just keeps coming in one form or another. Frankly, I’ll take the snow over the ice any day!

Look what else I saw this morning when I looked out the sun room door.

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

Bella, of course. I’m not quite sure how she got up on the table! I think she was after a tiny chunk of suet that I had tossed on the table for the birds before our last snow. Silly dog!


Hey, weren’t you the one BEGGING for snow just a month ago??  ~grin

The ice is deadly, and ruins the snow for playing in, but it sure is beautiful.

We drove out of the mess yesterday and up to the catskills where it was snowing.

Skiing mid week is good!  smile

Maggie, yes but I was begging for SNOW not ICE! Either way it taught me to be careful what I wished for!

Love the photo of the finch on the clothesline and Bella is so funny.  We have had freezing fog for the past few days and freezing conditions for weeks now - it’s dreadful and I wish it would come to an end.

Joyce, thanks! I love the finches! And yes, Bella is a comedy queen. I never know what’s she’s going to do next! Your weather sounds a bit like ours ... bleak!

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