Monday, September 27, 2010

All’s quiet on the Western front

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey
Our cabin’s driveway arch under a clear blue sky.

A little too quiet. The relentless western sun shines every day. Day in, day out with no hope of rain. Yesterday it was 80 degrees! That’s more like summertime cabin temperatures. I’ve forgotten how strong the sun is in Colorado. We were so hoping for cooler temperatures than what we’ve had and what we can except for the rest of our stay here. The nighttime temperatures drop by over 30 degrees from what the daytime temps were. That’s quite a swing. Here it what the weather forecast in Sunday’s paper said:

Sunday: Another sunny dry day : high 81 /  low 41
Monday: More September sun : high 76 / low 43
Tuesday: No rain on the horizon : high 77 / low 44
Wednesday: Continued dry : high 75 / low 45
Thursday: Staying sunny : high 71 / low 43
Friday: Mostly sunny : high 72 / low 47

See? Even they are bored with the weather! They keep themselves entertained coming up with new ways to describe sunny, hot and dry.

While back home we understand that we had a good storm blow through our little town that toppled trees and took down power lines. Our house fared alright but a neighbor on our street had a tree land on their house. Our weather station at home has not rebooted since the power outage, so we can’t see how much rain we’ve gotten back there. Radar this morning showed a good drenching rain. Boo.

I have also forgotten about dry skin, chapped lips and sinus woes caused by the dry air here. Yikes, I am pruning up! My hair likes it here though even if the rest of my body does not. It comes out perfect every day.

The other night was chilly enough to warrant a fire, which was very nice.

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

Last year we took this old lamp back with us to New Jersey to have the socket refitted because it was broken and the wiring inside the lamp was old and worn out. My dad made this lamp out of a cypress tree stump that he got one of our vacations to Florida (before we moved there). It’s cool and very retro and fits right in with our cabin decor.

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

As another source of cabin lighting we sometimes use this mirrored candle holder.

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

The aspens area changing daily. Some that were in full color when we got here are barren and leafless now.  The grove behind the cabin died a few years ago and new trees have taken their place. When seen together they look pretty interesting: the gnarly old adults next to the up-and-coming youngsters.

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

I’ll have more photos of trees in another blog post that I may post later on today.

We finished a second puzzle the other day. A Springbok puzzle called “Knit Knacks” which pictured all things to do with knitting. I fell in love with the little gingerbread boy in the picture and am now on a hunt to find a similar pattern so I can knit one up for myself. If anyone out there has any suggestions of where to look, please let me know!

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

Here are a couple of photos I took the other day when we had a cloud in the sky!

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

And what would a post be without the obligatory dog shots?

Here is Bella facing down the wind.

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

Alex waiting to be let in on the back porch. Doesn’t he look handsome?

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

Hailey looking cute. (photo by Rick)

Lynne Robinson, Hewitt, New Jersey

I know there are a lot of you out there reading even though you are not commenting! You’ve let me know by email, so thanks and keep reading! I’ll have another post up soon!


I always enjoy “sharing” your time at the cabin, ever since I “watched” it be built!

I always love the photos of the dogs they are so photogenic.  The fire looks very inviting and I just love the wooden bear in the hearth.  The lamp your Father made is very handsome.

Elizabeth, share all you like! I think you’re one of a handful of people that actually have read Rick’s “building a rustic log cabin” account over on his site!

Joyce, they love being featured in the blog. We love the little bear too, and the lamp! Glad you appreciate them.

Wow, you’ve had nicer weather than us!
It was chilly for a while and now it’s humid and muggy.  That storm was probably the most violent I’ve ever experienced; constant thunder and lighting hitting lots of trees, Awosting was closed for almost twenty hours because of a huge tree being held up by the power lines. Wow!

Luke, yeah everything exciting happens when we aren’t there. I waited all summer for a good storm and then it finally happens now when I am so many mile away. Sounds like it was a good one!

We’ve been having record heat.  Average is about 80 but our backyard thermometer registered 112 the other day in our coastal valley in CA.  gah.  And we had a temperature swing I’ve never heard of—a few miles away the temp dropped 37 degrees (from 107 to 70 degrees) *in 40 minutes* when the wind changed and came from the ocean rather than the interior.

Christina, Ah, you live in CA. I didn’t realize they have steller jays too. Weather is sure a persnickety thing, isn’t it?

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Next entry: Aspens!

Previous entry: One week mark


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