Monday, May 14, 2012

An almost equally glorious Sunday

It would be hard to beat Saturday for gloriousity, it really would. Sunday tried its hardest.

We started the day by walking the dogs to Green Turtle Pond. They love being off leash. The trees are fully leafed out and lush. Instead of walking from our house we drove to the access road and parked. Two reason for this: it’s a long walk and it was pretty warm; we usually take the wooded path through the woods to get to the access road rather than walking the dogs along the busy roadside but right now the ticks are really bad.

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Bella the water dog! There’s nothing she loves better than wading. We can’t get her to swim though.

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We had company on the pond in the form of two Canadian geese who were not bothered by us at all. In fact, they glided up pretty close to inspect us.

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Alex was wondering if he could somehow get closer to them.

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Everyone finally just decided it was okay to share the pond. Standing at the edge and looking at that serene water made me want to go home and get the canoe. When we return from our cabin trip we will for sure be putting the canoe on the water again … soon.

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After showering and making sure we had not picked up any ticks ourselves, we took Mia to Warwick for the opening day of the farmer’s market.

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They still don’t have much at this time of year but we bought some beef jerky from a new vendor, some maple sugar (for sprinkling on popcorn), and some kale for making kale chips (which didn’t come out quite right).

Wild asparagus.
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Exotic mushrooms.
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Tomatoes. Really? This early?
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Another new vendor was selling this:

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They were also selling huge ostrich bones for dogs. I’m not sure how this will go over in Warwick, NY!


I’ve eaten ostrich, and it’s not bad—but the idea of an ostrich egg kind of grosses me out. That’s just WAY too much egg!

Those tomatoes look great. And I didn’t realize asparagus was available in the wild. Who knew?!

Steve, I’ve had ostrich too and it was not bad, but the eggs ... at least a dozen normal eggs to one ostrich egg wouldn’t you say? And for that price? No thanks! This lady with the asparagus, tomatoes and mushrooms has a very organic booth! wink

The dogs look to be enjoying their paddle - what a lovely area.  A lovely sunny day at the farmers market - I would love a bunch of the wild asparagus.

Why are the empty emu eggs more expensive than the fresh ones??!!

Joyce, it is a lovely place and only minutes from our house. One of the reasons why we love living where we are.

C, They aren’t! They are $5.00 cheaper. Now why you would want the empty shell without the benefit of all that egg is beyond me!

Well, on closer inspection the emu eggs ARE more pricey empty than full of eggs. The ostrich eggs are cheaper empty. Hmmm

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